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The world sucks.

Okay, so maybe its me, blame little old me and my twisted mind. Maybe I've just had a bad life so far, right?.

Wrong. Its the world. I know it is because it couldn't possibly be me. Its the world and its fascination with them.

The Wotters.

You know, The Weasley/Potter families. I felt my face scrunch in disapproval as Amelia Zambini flipped through Witch Weekly. The cover of course featured the recent graduate of James Potter and the caption "James' tips and tricks on quidditch kicks".

I scoffed and Amelia rose her head and eyed me up and down before she sniggered. "You're not still bitter that Rita Skeeter picked James Potter over you, are you?".

I shrugged causally. "Course not. Just sick to death of their faces on everything".

Naturally, I'm a bitter cow that James Potter got the up and coming quidditch edit over me. Not that Amelia or anyone for that matter need ever know. I still have my pride to maintain. You might be wondering how I'd ever be eligible?.

Well, I'm not a Wotter. Thank Merlin, but I am from the most prestigious quidditch dynasty in the wizarding world. I'm a Flint and we're the shit when it comes to quidditch. My father, Marcus Flint played professionally for Ireland for fourteen years and won the cup every year he played. Its the current wizarding world record for most world cup wins for a single player. 

Yeah, that Marcus Flint. And of course then theres the twins. My brothers, Tate who currently plays for Ireland while Tom plays for England. Both teams have always found themselves in the World Cup since the boys have joined. Needless to say, I screamed my top off at the Flint Estate when James-sodding-Potter made the cover.

Okay, to be fair Witch Weekly isn't really a real magazine anyways. I personally would of preferred to be featured in quidditch quarterly. But still, its the principle. It wasn't about skill. I huffed and slumped in my seat. "He's only on there because he's a boy. I mean, I'm the first chaser to beat the Hogwarts record for most quaffles caught in a match. Plus, I'm a girl. You'd think in this day and age girls would want to read about girl power. But no, lets all praise Potter's pretty face. Seriously? Kicks?...since when does quidditch involve kicking anything?. What has he done quidditch wise but be related to someone else famous?".

Amelia took a long sigh and flipped her magazine in half so that she could meet my eyes. She was a pretty girl. Tan skin, soft brown eyes and her hair was in pretty brown ringlets. "Tara, its because your in Slytherin. And he's the son of Harry Potter. Case closed."

Case closed.

I sighed and rested my head on the back of the compartment seat dramatically. Despite being famous, from a famous family there was always that little fatal flaw. Slytherin and ex-death eaters. The wizarding world did accept us to a degree. When it suits them. But everyone still knows our past, still whispers my last name like its the plague when I hang out with the other pureblooded slytherins. 

But come Quidditch season? Yeah, somehow they just magically forget. Amelia snorted causing me to raise my head in confusion. She smiled at me. "Oh come on, its not that bad. You're quidditch captain this year now that Montague's gone. You'll be the first ever female Slytherin quidditch captain".

I felt myself grow pale mixed with a sick feeling that washed over me. Montague graduated last year which means the only three seventh years on the quidditch team would be...No.

I've been so focussed on that article for the whole summer that the captain position completely slipped my mind. I can't belive this. I scoffed. "Fuck".

Amelia rose an eyebrow at me before understanding filtered through her face. Only to be replaced by disbelief. "They didn't give it to you?!? But...Your, I mean your...You!".

I felt myself sniff. "Right?...Slughorn loves Potter so much I'd bet my entire inheritance that he got it over Malfoy.

She shook her head. "Malfoy's not in the running for Captain he's average at best. But You, It should've been you over Potter. I mean, you broke the record".

I nodded. "Yeah but let's face facts. He's more famous than me, From a good family, a boy and the son of the saviour of the wizarding world.".

She leant over and shook her head at me. "No. It's simply not fair. We'll go to Slughorn tonight and ple-".

I scoffed. "What? Tell him he's biased and beg him for Captain? yeah no."

She dropped her copy of Witch Weekly harshly and forwned. "But Tara, its not right".

Yeah, tell me about it. I shrugged. It was common knowledge that Albus Potter despite being in Slytherin wasn't really one of us. Malfoy too technically. They basically only stay on the Gryffindor table all year with the rest of the Wotter's. I doubt Albus or 'Al' as he likes to be called actually knows the names of his fellow slytherin's if they're not on the quidditch team. We're simply below the likes of Albus Potter.

I snorted. "Of couse its not right. But its not like I'm going to waltz up to Albus Potter anytime soon and demand that he hand it over becuase he only got it from his name alone. Hell, he'd tell me to eat shit .Cause that's social sucide". 

She sniggered. "Oh honey. You don't need to commit anything, we're already there".

We stared eachother down before we both erupted into fits of laughter. She's right, famous or not if your a pureblooded slytherin...at Hogwarts you're the lowest of the lows.

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now