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It was not my greatest moment.  I see that now...

It turns out that Albus Potter is even treated like royalty by my own fellow snakes. I guess I understand. What with Voldemort being from Slytherin, we don't have that many great wizards from our house to stand on. Well...we have Merlin and that's about it. 

Severus Snape? eh heard he was house-ist, and prejudice. 

Our actual founder? Well, he's just the definition of prejudice. Might've been a deacent wizard, I'll give him that. But, he'll only ever be known as that idiot that locked a killer snake in his secret cubby under the castle. 

What I'm saying, is that the slytherin house characteristc of fraternity is just lies. Because when I walked into the common room tonight all eyes where seething at me. Again, let's just forget that my family are all famous slytherins that are famous for a non prejudice or murderours reason. Cause no, lets forget that pride because a pure blood has yelled at our Potter.

And apparently that's a big no-no. 

One I should've known but alas here I am, cringing as I have to walk up the stairs with my back turned on these damn snakes!.

I may or not have proceeded with screaming my lungs out into my pillow like a banshee. Thank Merlin, for silencing charms. 

This is evidence that Potter needs to be destroyed. And I'm going to do it. Its one thing to pretend to be a normal Wotter, but another thing entirely to pretent to sympathize with us and yet still judge us from the sidelines. Potter is going down.

But how?

Literally how?!?

Come on Flint, Think!.

I've got...nothing. Nada just an empty brain. There's nothing going on up here, its probably why I've got second years doing my schoolwork. But I'm cunning, I know I'm cunning and manipulative. Surely that's got to count for something.

Okay, lets start at the route cause of my problems with Potter...Quidditch. I can't sabotage my own tea-

I instantly jumped and looked down in suprise at the letter that'd just magically landed on my lap. Silver envelope with sparkly blue ink. I cringed, and one flip of the back of the envelope was enough to have me hanging my head in dread. 

Professor H. Slughorn

Of course, the annual Slughorn christmas party. Sent out every Halloween like lockwork. I snorted. As if anyone needs three whole months to find a dress and a date. I then frowned. I need three months to find a dress and a date. Okay, so my mother is a socialite of wizarding London, a dress is no problem for the daughter of Pansy Flint. But a date...

I shivered in disgust at my options. 

Slytherin boys, while classy and aloof always come with hidden motives. I know because they weren't placed in here by accident. That's the thing about dating your own kind, If you know you can't trust yourself then why date someone with the same characteristics?.

Then there's the mortifiying thought of asking Sean. Just out of desperation. I went solo last year and my reputation at Hogwarts barley survived.

No. Going alone is social suicide.

I screamed into my pillow again. Why is this so hard?. I guess I could ask out an unsuspecting Hufflepuff. Those cute, kind motherfuckers have too much heart to actually turn someone down. Or maybe a Ravenclaw with a brain to actually keep up a conversation with me could do the trick. But...Slytherin boys.

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