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By the end of the week I was officially the talk of the school. Rumours ranged from I threw a bludger at Potter, jinxed him and my personal favourite...gave him captain!

I knew who spread that one, afterall that's why he thinks I talked to him in the first place. And what a way to mess with me. He's good, attacking my pride like that. He makes a worthy opponent. And it answers most of my questions. The main being; Potter isn't like the rest of his family. That's why he was sorted into Slytherin. Yet, he has everyone believing he's good, like the rest of them.

 I've been watching him this past week and his family, even Malfoy...they've got no idea that the boy sitting next to them is void. It's eerie how empty and fake he is. When conversing with anyone outside of the clan he puts on a bored face, as if they're below him. And people don't pull him up on it because its Albus Potter. Apparently if he gives you any type of attention, even to make you feel inferior then people still gladly accpet it. He's an anomoly.

Its the only word to describe him. He's a true Slytherin in the way he has manipuated them to think of him as some golden boy. But, now I know the real him. And Potter?, he doesn't like that. Infact, I'd say it infuriates him. He cracked for the first time and it just happens to be infront of little old me.

A fellow sytherin. And that's the problem. I'm a Slytherin and he hates his own kind, well hates a strong word. But he definitely thinks he's above us, above me.

"Course if I were Bulstrode...". 

Zambini spat the name as if Bulstrode was a piece of dirt. " I would've said yes and just given Crabbe the damn sugar quill. Who'd have thought Crabbe would attack?". Ameila shook her head in disgust. "And in such a muggle way too".

I smirked and linked my arm with hers. "Come now Zambini, you can't blame Suzie. We all know she couldn't use her wand to save her life. She used the only means she had".

She adamantly shook her head. "You wern't there. She punched Lizzie Blustrode in the face!. Blood everywhere. It was...epic".

I laughed along with her. Amelia has always hated Lizzie Bulstrode. And that'll always trump her prejudice outlook on life. Something about dolls when they were five? eh dosen't matter. Point is, according to Amelia I've missed the fight of the century.

I frowned. "All over a sugar quill? Or was Crabbe provoked?".

She shrugged. "Missed it. All I saw when I entered the dormitory was Crabbe screaming before.." She clapped her hands together dramatically SLAP-

"And there was blood everywhere".

Several heads whipped our way. I guess its not common to cause a loud sound in the middle of the corridor. Naturally, we glared at them until they pointedly avioded looking in our direction. 

Amelia huffed. "Are people still talking about it?".

I nodded. "Yes. But I'm not bothered by it. Being me, I'm used to the stares and I want Potter to remember we talked".

She rolled her eyes. "I know you've got some master plan going on but wouldn't it just be easier to steal it?".

I sighed. All brain and yet, no vision. "Nope. Its all about principle. Besides if I stole it, then Potter is still Captain. I'd just have his badge and Slughorn would just order him a new one. No. I need to ruin Potter and by doing so, Slughorn will offer me the position to save the credibility of Slytherin house".

She eyed me up and down before giving me a look filled with judgment. "Do you ever think about putting your determination and cunning towards something more beneficial like...I don't know, studying?".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now