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"What happened to you?".

I exhaled before turning to Amelia with a calm facade. "Potter happened".

She mouthed "Oh" and went back down to writing her essay before she paused and bit her lip. "Don't take this the wrong way Tara...but you kinda stink".

I swear my eye just twitched. "Really? I hadn't noticed".

She ignored me but scooted further away. I huffed and slumped in my seat, my essay just a blank page at this point. I don't spend too much time in the libary or ever for that matter. 

Yet, here I am. To spend time with my friend who'd rather me not here because I quote 'stink'. I clicked my tongue, tapped my quill before looking around me in exasperation. Students between shelves and sitting on tables were all turning up their noses in my direction. Great.

I flipped my hair and ignored the gag that came from Amelia, I guess she got a hit of it. "I'm going to finish this in the dorm".

She looked up at me in dread with a shake of the head. "For the love of Merlin, no!. We have to sleep in there tonight and I don't want you and Crabbe stinking it up anymore then you already have. It's impossible to air out a room that's underwater you know!".

I scoffed and hastily picked up stuff before dumping it hazardously into my bag. "Fine. Guess I'll go for a walk outside to air out. Wouldn't want to hurt your nose, Zambini".

I power walked out of the library ignoring the chorus of gags I left in my wake. Okay, so maybe Amelia offended me more than she was supposed to. I'm still hurt. 

After exploring the castle I found that the safest option is the owlery. It was deserted and kind of stunk too. Owl droppings and all that. I felt oddly concealed. Bored but still content. Now I'll just eventually have to find the courage to go back to the Slytherin common room and dormitory without being hexed. 

I think I'll just stay put. Weirdly enough I have actually finished my essay and now I'm just beyond bored. 

I heard a creak on the stairs and stood and craned my neck towards the door. There stood Albus Potter in nothing but his school shirt and trousers. He folded a dirty faded piece of parchment carefully and stuffed it in his back pocket. He then met my eyes and nodded at me. "Evening, Flint".

I tusked in annoyance. "Potter. I wasn't aware you had an owl".

He didn't even look at me as he scanned the many birds around us. "I don't".

I scoffed. "Then why are you even here?".

He glared at me and stared me on with vacant eyes. People just shouldn't be that dead inside. It sent shivers down my spine. "To owl my family".

He said it like it the most obvious thing in the world.

I frowned. "But you don't even have an owl!".

He exhaled and turned to me with a look that made me feel as though I'm bane of his existence. "I know this might be hard to comprehend for someone from old money. But the school has spare owls for children who can't afford to have their own".

I rose an eyebrow. I don't spend my life obsessing over the Potter's but even I know that like my family, they're millionaires. "Why, can't Harry Potter the world's best auror afford to buy his son an owl?. Guess I'm better off then coming from old money then. Perhaps, this year instead donating to the annual St. Mungo's Christmas gala I'll convince my father to buy an Owl so the Potter's can write to each other".

Albus clicked his tongue in annoyance but he seemed amused ...in that dark way. "I wouldn't bother. See I have a toad that sadly went missing in fifth year. Lily on the other hand has a owl. We don't spend for the sake of spending. It's so we can double your annual donation, Flint".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now