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It took a week and a half for the scent to wear off the three of us. Suzie and I haven't spoken to Malfoy since. I think he's a tad scared of us. Not that the coward would ever admit it. Plus, he's so weak, if Rose Wealey asked him to kill us I think Scorpius might actually consider it.

I bit my lip as I watched Tyler Wood enter the great hall. That boy, is fine. I could never go there obviously.  And that's for many reasons. The first being our fathers were quidditch rivals in school.  He's a gryffindor, admittedly a quidditch captain which is sex appeal in its self but the gryffindor part is just so hard to see pas-

"Are you going to eat?, or are just going to drool over Wood all day?".

I blinked and tore my gaze from the gryffindor table and onto an expectant Amelia Zambini. I glowered. "I wasn't staring at him, I was appreciating. There's a difference".

She snorted. "Yeah, its called tact. Which you don't have by the way".

I glared at her and held in the urge to throw my boiled egg at her face. "You're a wonderful friend Zambini".

She winked at me. "Why, thank you Flint".

I more so stabbed my lunch instead of eating it. I have divination next. A class without Ameilia. Did I do the homework for it? Merlin no. I forced some second year to do it. They've been getting me an exceeds expectations all year which is really saying something considering second years can't actually take the subject. 

I could feel Amelia's judgment when said Slytherin second year, Tomswealth Fawley handed me a piece of parchment. To which I hastily shoved into my satchel and gave him a box of bertie botts. "Cutting it a bit close there, Fawley".

His eyes squinted at it. "You said, I'd meet your dad if I did your homework for the year".

Ameilia snorted and I rolled my eyes before facing him with a fake ass smile. "Look around, Tommy. We're in the middle of Hogwards you can't expect my father to just appaerte in. Plus, its a whole years worth of homewok and we're barely a quarter way through the term".

I indicated to the box of every flavour beans in my hand. "Take it or leave it".

Little thing debated it for half a second before snatching it from my hand. "And...I want ten galleons a week".

I tusked. "I could pay a first year for five galleons a week".

He snorted. "Yeah, but who in their right mind would trust a first year with seventh year work?...".

Fair point. Gosh, they grow up so fast. I nodded curtly at him. "Ten galleons a week, the lollies stop and you meet my dad after end of year exams".

He nodded and shook my awaiting hand. "You got it, Tara!".

He walked away looking pretty damn proud of him self. Don't know why, I would of at least paid him fifteen a week if knew how to bargin properly. I turned to Amelia triumpantly. "How's that for tact?".

She snorted into her jucie. "You're the worst. He's never gonna meet your dad is he?".

I shrugged and bit into my toast. "Prob-ly n't".


When I entered the divination classroom I was attacked by fumes and two great big eyes behind spectaclues. "You gur'l...I see...love, power and terrible loss".

I gulped and nodded curtly at Professor Trelawney. What a freak and also, please  don't touch me. "Gee...thanks".

I mean, what else is there to say to that infront of half the year without coming across as a bigger bitch than I arleady am?!?.

I didn't have to think too much of it though as Crabbe made it her mission to pull me into the closest seat as soon as possible. I mouthed a quick 'thank you' to which she smiled and nodded. It was a rather boring class after that. I tried to connect the lines of Suzie's palms to her star chart while analysing those connectins to read her future in dirt?

I bit my lip and held my pot of dirt sideways while staring at the stars she wrote down. "So it says you're going to have eight children. No wait!...no children".

I watched as she sat straighter only to slump as I preidcted her furture. I sighed and rubbed my neck in pity. "Its probably wrong anyways. Between you and me, this class is a total load of unicorn shi-"

"Twenty points from Slytherin. And detention Miss...?"

I scoffed into the unimpressed yet heavily confused face of Professor Trelawney. "Flint. Tara Flint?...I've been in your class since third year professor. You just predicted my future as I walked in".

I was met with the worlds longest blink. I tried to seem intimidating but it's hard with the whole class is currently staring and judging me right now. Honestly, you have to literally go out of your way not to notice me considering what my last name is. She may not be a quidditch fan but she lives in the magical world for Merlin's sake!.

She cleared her throat and gave me a pointed look. "I'm sure I would've remembered that, dear. No, no detention and twenty points from slytherin".

She'd already turned her back on me and I frowned at my pot of dirt in distain. "Salazar's pit! Why do we even take this class, again?".

Suzie giggled. "If I remember correctly you said it's so easy a first year could pass it. That's why we take it".

I smirked. "I'll actually have you know that it takes at least a second year".

We both erupted into giggles costing us an extra ten points from Slytherin, worth it though.

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now