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Half a day.

It's been half a day since Potter and I have been 'dating' and never in all my years at Hogwarts have I been stared at like this. 

If I didn't know any better I'd say I was walking around naked. I looked down, nope fully robbed thank Merlin!.

Now I just have to casually ignore everyone staring. Nothing new the-

"What the hell, Flint! I heard it from Crabbe."

I turned in surprise thinking I was somewhat safe in the Slytherin common room but as I took in Amelia I realised I was dead wrong. "Hey..."

She seethed. "Save it!. Because you and me both know this has everything to do with your stupid little revenge plan".

Huh, well that went better than I hoped. "Of course it does. I'm thinking public shaming in-front of the Ireland Quidditch team".

Amelia frowned. "And how would that possibly make you Slytherin Quidditch Captain?!?".

Oh Amelia, where has this girl been the past week of my life. I sighed. "Times change, and the new goal is now stopping Potter from stealing my spot as next years Ireland Rookie".

Zambini looked me up and down before she frowned. "Albus Potter wants to be on the Ireland Quidditch team?".

I don't know why she said it like that. I quickly jumped in. "Oh course he does. It's the best team in the world. Won the Quidditch World Cup thirteen years in a row now. I mean it's Ireland he'd be a fool to want anyth-"

Amelia shook my head. "I get that and I don't know much about Quidditch. But Ireland is so...Slytherin".

I frowned, completely confused. "And last I checked Potter is a Slytherin".

She rolled her eyes. "Albus is a Potter. He doesn't seem the type to idealise ex death eater players no matter how much good they've brought for the sport. I mean, I get that Ireland is the shit, but I think it's only that good because of your family right? take out the Flints and Ireland probably never would've won. Last I checked your brother's wouldn't want anything to do with Albus Potter even though he is a Slytherin, right?".

Doubt laced my features. "Right".

She nodded. "So why does Albus Potter want to be on Ireland? To also be below Tom Flint for the rest of his Quidditch career?. There's only like a couple years difference they'd probably retire at the same time too".

She sounded so much like Ginny Potter. Why go for the best team in the world when I'd be doing what members of my family have already done before. Where's the glory in that?. The Holly Head Harpies was looking more appealing every day. And she's right. Albus is many things but like me he wants power and glory above all else. He won't get that being in Ireland he'll always be the number two player. Never Captain. The Flints are royalty and we own that team. Where's the glory in being under my brother for all his career?. Sure, he'll win the cup on Ireland but not as a captain. 

And Potter must know that. I know him. Know to a true Slytherin that it's a fate worse than death. Besides they're saying England might win it this year after last years loss. Flint vs Flint. Ginny was right, Tate has made a name for himself outside of Ireland. And Tom, he'll always be compared to dad. No matter how many times he wins the cup for Ireland. No way, Potter has a bigger plan brewing in that messed up head of his. And I've been too busy snogging him in abandoned corridors and under trees to realise it. I beamed at her. "Amelia I could kiss you right now".

I quickly started wrapping up my scarf an- "Okay, but where are you going? we've got dinner in twenty minutes".

I waved off her panicked look. "To find my boyfriend".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now