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50 house points and five weeks worth of detention. I don't think it could get any worse. But it did, Slughorn threatened my spot on the Slytherin quidditch team. 

To quote my head of house: 'One more slip up Ms Flint, and dare I say you may find yourself off the team'.

I almost hit him with tears right then and there. But of course, I'm above tears and just stared at him in dread before he ushered me out of his office. 

Hence, I'm wallowing in self pity in the seventh year slytherin girls dorm. Trying to come to terms with a semester of being...good. I groaned at the thought only to blink up at Zambini. My friend leaned over my bedside glaring daggers at me. She tusked. "What's wrong Tara?, realised you're dating a famous blood traitor?".

I frowned. "You're mad at me".

She rolled her eyes. "Took you long enough. You've basically ditched me for Crabbe since you started snogging Potter every time he enters a room!".

I shrugged. "I haven't ditched you!. You just...just haven't been around".

She scoffed. "Please, I'm in half your classes and you don't even sit next to me anymore. And Crabbe?  We make fun of Crabbe!".

I felt my nose wrinkle in defence. "Suzie, has been through a lot an'-""

She seethed. "And I haven't been? My bestfriend is ignoring me over a boy!. The school doesn't even whisper about you and Crabbe like they use to now that the two of you are practically unspoken Wotters!".

I gasped. "Take that back!".

She cackled. "No because it's true. Flint and Crabbe, the newest editions of the Wotters. Before you know it you'll be braiding hair with Polly Chapman".

I scoffed and whipped out my wand. Zambini just rolled her eyes. "Oh come on Tara, what spell are you going to use? Your second year fan boy isn't here to give you the answers".

I will have you all know that I would've hit her with a nasty bat bogey hex. But a Walrus voice entered my head...you may find yourself off the team. So I settled for the ol'muggle way just to spite her. "Fuck you, Amelia!".

She blinked before she shook her head at me in disappointment. "Don't come crying to me when he's broken your heart. Consider us done, blood traitor". She nearly spat the word.

I held in the urge to yell 'fine' as she stomped out of the dormitory. And as hard it was to admit my heart ached with not only the knowledge that Potter was right, but that Amelia wouldn't be friends with me if I was also friends with Suzie.


Obviously I stomped my way to dinner that night. First day of classes tomorrow and the first quidditch match of round 2. Which means Potter will make us study this match of Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor so we don't actually get a break. Oh and did I mention Amelia is in four of my classes?. Did I also mention I have to be good?. It's going to be the biggest strug-


The name alone had my eye ticking in annoyance. I looked up into the handsome face of Kyle Creevy. I quickly batted my eyelashes like the silly school girl I am. "Hey, Kyle. How was your Christmas?".

He smiled, prettily. "You know same ol' affair. How was yours?".

Great because Albus Potter told me he likes me. I didn't say that to my former crush but I hoped my eyes conveyed the warning as I spotted a messy head of black hair making its way closer to the great hall. I cringed. "Yeah it was great. Well food's getting cold so I should go in and um...you know, eat".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now