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I could feel my heart sinking with every song. 

Introducing my family to Potter's...

Having to give Ginny Potter an answer...

Deep breath. 

I stood next to an awkward Suzie. She hugged her butter-beer to her chest while eyeing Tate in longing. Rose Weasley stood irritatedly with us while Potter is brooding. You know, that annoying 'I'm above everyone' look that permanently holds his pretty face. 

We'd all come to the conclusion that Scorpius is obviously the glue that normally forms conversations. Suzie, bless her soul is too scared of Potter and Weasley to utter a single word. Rose Weasley is too proud to talk to us Slytherin's. And well it's Potter, like he needs an excuse. 

But then it happened. Harry Potter stopped dancing with Ginny. They shared a look together. And stared making their way towards the rowdy quidditch associates who'd formed their own table at this point. 

I inhaled at the same time Potter's eyebrow ticked. Marcus lowered his glass of fire whiskey as the two neared the table, and it was at that point he'd noticed his wife. A few tables away Pansy Flint paled considerably, despite the already perfect porcelain complexion. She muttered a hissed "...Merlin!". As if it was Marcus' fault that the Potters had chosen a gap in between songs to approach him. 

She detangled herself from the lavish sofa she'd adorned as if it had been built for her. Champagne in hand, she clip clopped over to the quidditch associates who seemed to quiet at the incoming intrusion of not only Pansy Flint but both Harry and Ginny Potter.

Their children seemed so intrigued that all had found themselves heading towards them too. Even if to just witness the fight of fake pleasantries, it seemed neither Gryffindor nor Slytherin could resist witnessing it. 

I bit my lip as I hurried to stand beside dad. His grip tightened on his glass before he tipped his head at Harry Potter. Having met mother half way the Potters and Flints now took up their own corner. Mother's lip tightened as she smiled at them, her hands resting on the shoulders of Tom and Tate. In a show, making sure they behave. It seems even the Potters won't be let in on the fact that the boys don't secretly hate eachother.

Harry Potter had the same eyes and hair as Albus. But his face wasn't as pretty. I guess he got that from Ginny. Harry Potter gave a nod back. "Marcus, I don't know if you remember but we played quidditch in school together".

Dad swirled his whiskey around before he smirked. "Cause I  remember. You were the kid poorly dodging bludgers all match".

Harry Potter chuckled. "Well, you played dirty".

Dad nodded smith a small. "And still do".

And then there was silence. As if no one could find neutral ground. Harry's eyes then lingered on mother and I realised they would've been in the same year. Yet mother's gaze refused to meet his eye until Marcus coughed. "Cause, you remember Pansy".

Harry Potter tipped his head at her. "Hard to forget". It came out clipped and Albus tensed at the tone. His eyes apologetic despite the cool exterior. 

Pansy finally turned to Harry. 

Harry Potter openly glared at her. She didn't fumble and I'd notice that expression anywhere. She was prepared for that hate still shining in those green eyes. Unbothered, she scoffed as her hands gripped the shoulders of her sons just the slightest bit harder. "Oh please. I was seventeen and my boyfriend was in a compromising position. When I said to grab you it was..." she scoffed again. "It wasn't personal. I was scared".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now