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I found myself in a train compartment alone with Lizzie Bulstrode. I have nothing against Lizzie, we've been house mates for years and naturally as a pureblood she was at all the same parties that I was growing up. Our families are in the same social circles. And that's were our similarities stop, although at Hogwarts that happens to band you together.

For example, I'm not leaving Lizzie Bulstrode alone in a compartment for some idiotic Gryffindor to mess with in the name of Harry Potter. Who, I now think very lowly of because he doesn't like my mother. And yes, I might still hold a grudge if someone demanded to hand me over to 'you know who' to kill. But still, he could've at least given mother a second chance like he did Draco.

Lizzie gave me a tight smile. "So, you're dating Albus?".

The word 'Albus' in itself sounded foreign. It should be Potter or Al. I knew he'd hate it. Since when did Potter's hate make me anything but happy?. I shivered at the thought before I shrugged. "Yeah".

Her lip curled in disapproval and she turned her head to stare out the window.

I bit my lip. "I never really had a chance to ask, but did you and Suzie sort out your um...differences?".

She scoffed. "Of course not. I never stole any of her sugar quills and even if I did, it doesn't warrant such muggle violence".

Ah I almost forgot how openly prejudiced Bulstrode is. Crabbe is anything but prejudiced because of her father and her last name. Unlike Amelia and Lizzie...

I nodded. "Right".

Obviously we're as thick as thieves. 

She then sighed. "I heard you attended the Malfoy's this year. I was surprised, didn't think the Flints would lower themselves like that".

I frowned. This always seems to be the 'done thing' when talking with fellow purebloods. We pit ourselves against eachother in the form of crafted verbal attacks. "Yes, surprised your lot weren't there considering what attending such an event can do for a family whose reputation is well...". I cringed as her face tightened. 

She straightened. "My family's reputation is perfectly fine".

I nodded. "Yes, it would be perfectly fine if this was the late nighties and You Know Who was still in powe-"

A group of particularly loud fifth year Gryffindors walked past our compartment, the both of us eyeing them warily. I noticed one of them had red hair, a cousin of Potter's then. 

Bulstrode hissed. "Don't stare at them".

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't staring".

She giggled. "Sure you weren't. Last I checked Albus hardly spends any time with Hugo Weasley. Unless you've now got a taste for blood traitors, in which case your more than welcome to leave this compartment".

I huffed. "You want me to leave? I'm doing you a favour. It's not like you have any friends and you don't exactly make it easy for yours-".

She bristled. "I don't need friends or your protection. So get out".

We stared the other down. But I know a lost cause when I see one. I shook my head at her as I stood to pull down my trunk. "You know, if you don't stop being prejudiced...".

She snorted. "What? You and Crabbe will stop me?. Merlin knows Amelia won't bat an eye".

I glared at her. "You know,  I'm not exactly below muggle violence either!".

And that's how I landed myself in the prefects cart, explaining to Rose Weasley that the front of my trunk accidentally fell on Bulstrode's face when the train started moving. Course this is a magical train so turbulence isn't a thing. Rendering my argument useless. 

I huffed. "It was an accident".

Weasley eyed me up and down. "I really don't get what Albus sees in you, Flint. And neither does my uncle Harry".

Low blow. I frowned. "It fell and hit her face. It wasn't my fault!"

... It was definitely my fault.

Rose shrugged. "Protocol says you're to stay detained in here until we get to Hogsmeade station. From there Professor Slughorn will take you to his office and discuss your punishment. I hope you're happy with yourself. Because of you Slytherin has just lost fifty house points".

I made a sound of protest mixed with a shout . "Fifty? She started it!".

Rose snorted. "Did you just admit it was deliberate?".

I stiffened. "I'm not saying anything without a lawyer".

She blinked. "Do you even know what a lawyer is, Flint?".

My silence was deafening. But I'd heard all the Muggles say it when they were in trouble in those moving pictures. Figured fifty fifty chance it was a term that could be used in both worlds. See, I'm obviously very smart and don't have second years doing my schoolwork. 

She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just stay here and don't move till we all come back from our rounds". With that she left and charmed the compartment door behind her locked.

I know what you're thinking. You're a witch, just wave your wand. Yes, I would but she confiscated my wand. The audacity. And it's me, like of course I don't actually know how to do wandless magic!. And Rose being unusually perceptive knows that too. Hence I can't get out of this one. 

I slumped against my seat and stared at the door latch.


Now open!...





Like magic I head a click. And I stood in awe at my own ability. I, Tara Flint can do magic of seventh year standard!. I opened a door with my mind. I could cry I'm that damn prou-.

The door opened slightly only to close and lock itself. Huh...that's a new development. I went back to staring at the door and jumped as Albus magically appeared infront of me.

It was then I noticed the invisibility cloak he's stuffing into his robes. Disappointed rushed through me.

I bit my lip. "Can you do wandless magic?".

He tipped his head in confusion. "Why hello, Potter. Thank you for helping me break out. Why I don't know if I should use this time alone to make out with you in private because I haven't seen you in weeks, No instead I think I'll ask questions related  to our charms essay".

I frowned. "We had to write an essay on it?".

He chuckled. "I'm sure Tomswealth is all over it for you".

It was then my brain caught up. "We're alone and locked in a compartment together".

Potter smirked and nodded. "Their rounds take them two whole hours".

I could feel myself smirking back. Its just dawning on me that I can now kiss Potter whenever I want. Before it was like a drug that I told myself I hated. A reward that would come when one of us pushed too far and the other couldn't think of an insult. An act of victory. I pondered what this one would feel like. Would it still taste like posion? still feel like a hit of some muggle drug?...

Potter wasn't concerned like me. He wiped his thumb across my cheekbone like he used to condescendingly, now it was in adoration. When his lips brushed mine I knew it was the same.

Potter kisses with a hunger I've never known. I don't know how to explain it apart from consuming. Its like he steals pieces of my soul and with every kiss he somehow brands them as his own. And I'd be lying if I didn't say it wasn't addictive. I need him to consume me. Its in that moment that I finally let him have control. 

Let his hand tilt my face at that exact angle that gives him the advantage in this battle. I'm suprised by my own sharp intake of breath when he does that thing with his tongue. His chuckle hits me that he's won.

Whatever this is he's totally won.

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now