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I have never hated a fellow slytherin more then I have at this exact moment. For my tryout Potter had me out race all fifty hopefulls. And then, I had to win a goal against every one of them. Three against one!?!...twenty times in a row? I can't even walk!.

Although, I'd be lying if I wasn't somewhat proud. Three hours of intense training and I was still able to keep up my stamina and out fly them all. I could tell Potter tried with all his might to have an excuse not to have me on the team. But, I hit all the goals and never dropped the quaffle once. When I flew down I watched him curtly nod at me. It was a nod of respect and yet it held trickery as if to say Potter - 1, Flint - 1. We're even. It felt like he marked this a war or the game of all games. And I'll be damned if he ruins me before I ruin him.

Still, I'd secured my spot. Not that anyone had a chance of beating me anyways. It was why even sitting on my stool in the potions classroom had me wincing in pain. I've decided on step two. Which is get Malfoy away from Potter. Or, get Malfoy to take in his old friends again and thus leaving Potter to follow along like a little lost puppy.

Malfoy is an easy target and everyone in our house knows it. He's innocent...I don't know how else to explain him. But innocent and child like. Slytherins look out for their own and the house has an unspoken rule that we protect our own, but we protect Malfoy above all else. Considering I'm a hundred percent sure Albus is the devil in disguise I'm sure I'm not breaking any inner house rules.

As soon as I had sat down Malfoy immediately hung his head and hit Potter's arm. I ignored it though as I turned around and made eye contact with Suzie. "Crabbe, I saved you a seat".

Suzie paused in the middle of the room as she paled significantly in what I can only assume is dread. Her eyes latched onto the two glowering boys in identical green robes. Then they drifted to my encrouaging smile and narrowed. I'd just called out to her infront of the whole class to join a table with Wotters no less. But she's cruical to my plan. 

I sighed and patted the stool next to me encouragingly. I could feel Albus watching me with a knowing look but he stayed silent while Malfoy whispered angrily into his ear. I definitely picked up on the name Rose mutiple times.

Crabbe bit her lip and surprisingly started to ease her way over to the stool beside mine. I've known Suzie my whole life, Malfoy too. We all group up togther. Our parents were expectionally close. They were in the same year in Hogwarts. Pretty sure my mother even used to date Scorpius' father at one point. Hence, growing up the three of us were always together, a trio. 

While yes its true, I basically ditched Suzie for Amelia as soon as I got on the express. I've always done my best to look out for her. I mean, she's practically family. The three of us were all we had for ten years and then at Hogwarts we naturally drifted apart. But I know Malfoy. Know he's childlike and like Suzie, easily attached. 

I'm not sure if Scorpius ever mentioned us to Albus and divulged just how inseperatble the three of us were. But if I can get my old friendship with Malfoy back, then it'll be easier to manipulate Potter by assocation. I felt a tiny bit bad about using my oldest friends who I always think of as little sweeties that needed protection. But...Its quidditch and nothing comes before that.

So I beamed at Scorpius and put an arm around a terrified Suzie. "Just like old times, huh?. Say Scorpius, why don't the four of us partner today?. We never talk anymore and you wouldn't believe what Suzie did to Lizzie".

Scorpius is handsome there's no deying it. Elegant features and startling grey eyes. I watched as something washed over them in nostalgia. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while making eye contact with Potter who curtly shook his head in warning. 

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now