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It could of been worse but it definitely could've gone better. 

I'm in a corner with Suzie. She's talking about Tate. Meanwhile, I'm trying too hard to figure out how I'm going to talk to Ginny Potter when her Husband who clearly disapproves of me is on her arm every damn second of the night!. 

Not to mention my own family who are here, who now openly disapprove of the Potters. Execpt for the most evil Potter of all who somehow won over my own mother's approaval with his own slytheriness.

I clenched my butterbeer tighter in my hand at the thought.

Suzie sighed whistfully. "I mean he ran from the otherside of the ballroom like his life depended on it".

I felt myself hum in agreement. 

She nodded. "Yeah, like a man doesn't do that just for anyone".

I shrugged. "Yeah, great guy". I then snorted. 

Suzie turned to me. "Are you drunk?".

I shook my head. "Nah, just stressed I think".

She opened her mouth but was cut off by someone clearing their throat. We both looked up at my father who was giving me a shit eating grin before he turned to Suzie. "Sorry to interrupt ladies but I need to borrow you for a quick minute Tara Tiara. Don't worry Suzie Cutie, I'll have her back before you can say quidditch".

I felt five years old from his insistent use of our nick names. I turned to Suzie who gave me a 'go ahead' look before letting my father guide me across the room. I frowned as we got closer to the quidditch crowd of men that'd assembled. My father slowed and nodded towards Bulgarian Captain Miles Aleksi. "Why don't you have a drink with Aleksi?".

It was a knowing smile on my father's face. I felt myself flush. Okay, have I had a crush on this man since I was twelve? yes. Is there a topless poster of him under my bunk at Hogwarts with a few candles? yes. Did I use it to try and bind him in a love spell I found in Tween-Whitch in my third year? Yes. 

Is Miles Aleski all anyone is talking about after Bulgaria's win over Wales? yes. Is Bulgaria said to be the new up and coming team? yes. Is Bulgaria a potential threat if Marcus Flint is researching their current wins within a five year period? yes. 

My father shrugged. "You'll get Ireland but Bulgaria needs a new chaser now that Ivailo is out. They've got a replacement this year but Aleksi wants someone better. And well, after that chat I just had with him I doubt he'll settle for just anyone".

I bit my lip. "You want me to be a chaser on Bulgaria?".

My father kissed my temple. "I want you to be happy. Obviously I'd prefer you on Ireland, keep it in the family. But I've known about your little obsession with Bulgaria since you were thirteen. Which I've never really understood as they've never shown any promise till this season. And even so, no chance of the cup for at least four years wi-".

I waved him off. "Yeah, yeah I get it. You've run their stats".

He chuckled and then gripped my shoulders so his face was level with mine. He gave me a soft smile. "What I'm saying Tiara, is that if you'll be more happy on the Bulgarian team then go for it. Tate didn't choose Ireland, and while it breaks my heart to see him in red and white, I still love him no different than Tom".

I won't dare cry. I'm above it. "S-so this whole week, you were looking into Bulgaria for me?".

He wrinkled his nose in amusemnt. "Well, no sane person looks up the Bulgarian stats for fun except for you".

I laughed a little and felt myself hug him with everything I had. I love my dad. I hardly tell him, that's not our thing. But he did this for me. Got me a spot on the one team he thinks I'd ever consider over Ireland. So I don't have any regrets. I felt myself whisper "Thank you".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now