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I'm not nervous. 

Like, why would I be?. Its a fake date at the end of the day. 

A pity date actually which is even more pathetic then it being fake. 

So I'm obviously not nervous for my pity-fake-date. 

I nodded at myself in the mirror. I look amazing. I won't lie about that. Maybe Creevy was right, modesty might be something I'm lacking. 

"You look so pretty, Tara".

I spun around and faced Suzie with a small smile. "Right. You don't think the dress is too much?".

She stood and shook her head. "No, you look as pretty as your mother in it".

I smiled at her. That's actually quite the compliement considering Pansy Flint has been crowned Witch Weekly's most beautiful witch like five times. Not to be occasionally out-done by Victorie Wealsey and a select amount of others. I nodded. "Probably because its her dress". 

Suzie chewed on the end of her sugar quill and sighed. "I wish I could go".

I huffed. "I totally should've asked you to come with me as a friend. It didn't even occur to me but we'll go to Malfoy's Christmas party together".

She rolled her eyes. "You'll be dancing with Albus at that though. It won't just be the three of us like I hoped".

I snorted. "I thought you didn't want to go? Scorp had to literally beg us to say yes. And trust me I won't be dancing with Albus Potter at the Malfoy's". 

It took everything I had not to shiver at the thought of two pity-fake-dates.

Suzie suddenly perked up. "Why not?".

I hummed. "Not what?".

She rolled her eyes. "Dance with Albus. He's your boyfriend".

Ah, well that's because Suzie darling, we hate eachother and I roped him into it. Plus, we're trying to destroy eachother so I think we both believe we can destroy the other through fake dating?. I shrugged. "Thinking about ending it with him".

Suzie nodded. "But, he's the Slytherin Quidditch Captain"

I frowned at her. "So?".

She smirked. "So. That's literally your type. Quidditch, Leader and a Slytherin. Check, check and check".

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. "Shut up Suzie, I don't have a type".

She snorted. "Oh sure. So Creevy, Wood and Chang are just boys your not obsessed with and them being Captain's of their house teams has absoultely nothing to do with why you've got a crush on them?". 

I gasped at her. Since when is she this switched on?. "Please, have you seen those boys?". I rose my eyebrows at her to prove the point. 

Suzie smiled. "I have. And all I'm saying is that you have a type. And Albus Potter fits every box you have".

I huffed. "I don't have a type and leave my boxes alone!".

I stomped out of the domitroy trying to ignore her laughter as I did so. She's such a slippery snake!.

I halted mid-step of my rampage. Albus Potter looked utterly, devestatingly good. 

It felt like one of those slow motion moments from those muggle movies. I decended the stairs of the girls dorm and he turned around to face me.

A face of brooding annoyance because I am exactly thirty-three minutes late. But damn Albus Potter in dress robes, makes me consider if he looks better than his Quidditch robes. He glares at me and it causes my heart to flutter. 

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now