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This is fake. As I sit in this train compartment I have to chant it again and again and again. 

Potter's arm is around me, pulling me into his chest. He smells of grass and musk. Like Quidditch and expensive sweets. It's intoxicating.

Scorpius and Suzie are on the seat opposite us. We're discussing something but I can't focus on anything but Potter. 

You look beautiful tonight...you always look beautiful 

I can't stop thinking about last night. It's finally the end of term, I'm on my way home to the Flint Estate. Yet, I can't think of anything but the boy I'm leaning against. I look him up and down suspiciously. Maybe he gave me a love potion. I'll have to let him know it's actually very illegal and I'll send him a postcard once I lock him up in Azkaban f-

"...right, Tara?".

I blink, tearing my eyes away from Potter's face before he notices my stare. His smirk is enough to tell me he's been painfully aware of it. I stare at Suzie like an idiot. "What?".

She shrugs. "Potions is hard, right?".

Seriously? We've been discussing potions?!?

Note to self, Potter and Malfoy are dull Slytherins. I nod. "I think we're scraping an acceptable though".

At least I know I am with the help of Tomswealth. I can't say the same for Suzie. She looked at Scorpius as if to say 'see'.

Scorpius shook his head. "Albus can tutor you guys. He helps me all the time".

I scoffed, causing Potter to raise an eyebrow at me. "You don't think I could tutor you, Flint?".

I shook my head in dread. "So you can get us covered in pink goo again and stinking for weeks? Pass".

Potter glared at me.

Suzie giggled and Scorpius frowned. "Al is really sorry about all that".

I shot Scorpius a look. "Al is sitting right here and hasn't apologised. You don't have to apologise on behave of other people Scorpius".

I know why he feels like he has to. So people don't hate him, or his friends. He hates it when people think of him as death eater scum. Suzie and I still remember how kids used to say he was the son of You Know Who. But that was before Malfoy and Potter were treated like gods.

Scorpius nodded before staring out the window. "Father said he's really looking forward to the both of you coming".

Suzie bit her nail and muttered. "Can't wait".

It was sarcastic which in Suzie terms means she'd rather die. I have it under good authority that I and her father am forcing her to go. Plus, she gave Scorpius her word. 

I found slight comfort in the thought of seeing Draco again. It's been what? Six years. He was like an uncle at one point. 

Potter gave my shoulder a slight squeeze. "I'm really looking forward to it".

I tried not to cringe. Potter meeting my family. Introducing him as my boyfriend. I turned to face him, smirk on his face. He then kissed my temple. It felt like a one sided victory kiss. While to the two idiots opposite us, looked casual and normal.

Scorpius smiled at me. "I'm so glad my best friends are dating".

I rolled my eyes. FAKE dating. 

Potter smirked. "Come on Tara, I'm not that bad am I?".

He used my first name as if to anger me all the more. And you know what? It worked. I blanched. "You're vile".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now