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I tried to keep my shit together. But how can I?...Its so shiny.

Being in seventh year, Amelia and I now have the luxury of sitting at the end of the Slytherin table. A sacred right we've now earned. But its killing me. Usually the start of year feast is a happy affair. However, its the one time all students are forced to sit on their table to welcome the first years when sorted into their houses. No one switches it up for this feast. Not even Potter and Malfoy.

They sat slightly further along the table but still in our section. On very the end, enjoying the feeling of basking in everything that seventh year holds. Including wearing that stupid, pretty and shiny badge!.

I took a deep breath and tore my eyes away from Potter's robes and down to my plate. Usually my roast chicken and mashed potatoes excites me. Now, I just feel defeated. I nearly blanched. A defeated Slytherin?...I'm a disgrace. 

Amelia on the otherhand was as happy as can be. Eating away at her dinner peacefull and not stabbing it like it personally wronged her, like I currently am. I huffed and casually looked up again and eyed Albus Potter subtly. Honestly?...What a tosser.

I sniggered to myself causing Amelia to raise a curious eyebrow. I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped me. "Potter the Tosser".

She was silent and I watched as she cringed before indicating towards the opposite end of our house table. "The first years sit at that end of the table. If you're gonna insult someone, then actually put some effort into it." She then snorted to herself and winked at me. "Otherwise I'll start calling you Flint the Bint".

I scoffed before I shook my head. "Call me that again and you're dead but...it was good". 

She looked proud before she went back to eating her peas. "dam-riiit-it -as'-ood".

Now, I cringed. Sometimes you wouldn't believe Zambini over here was raised in pureblood society. She's never been one for manners. Ignoring her, I slid my focus back over to the problem at hand. That problem being Potter. 

He was talking casually to Scorpius and no one else. I tipped my head in thought. If I'm being honest Potter has never been on my radar. Sure, we've shared classes together since first year. But I can't ever remeber having a decent conversation with him. I know him from quidditch but even then, we never talked. He was good looking and more handsome than I remembered. Maybe he got a tan this summer?...Its a good look I suppose. For the first time ever I apprciated why Albus Potter had his own personal fan club. Complete psychos of cause, but I apprciated for the first time that he's actually good looking. Not that he'd care, he's kind of a loner the ol' Ablus Potter.

As far as I know his only friend is Scorpius. Apart from him, he doesn't associate with anyone outside the Wotter clique. And why would he? The whole lot of them are practically royalty these days. 

But...those bright emerald eyes, the wind blown hair...like hes just gotten off the quidditch pitch. Well, needless to say he wears it well. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "I want that badge".

Amelia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, trust me I know. I'm suprised Potter hasn't noticed you yet. You haven't stoppped staring at him since the feast started. He might start to think you've joined that little fan club of his". She shivered in disgust.

Yep, those girls are freaks. Most were in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor from memory. But they had members from all houses, all would skin their faces off to touch him. That level of crazy.

I ran a hand through my hair before staring at the sky. Well the ceiling that's enchanted to look like the night sky. "I need a plan".

"Slughorn. Convince him you're the better player, which you are. I'm sure you'll easily convince him".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now