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I liked Divination. Sure, its a bludge. You don't actually have to study for it, Its literally the art of making stuff up. Or at least, thats how I think of it. 

Sadly for me Amelia chose ancient runes over divination which means its slim pickings for partners. I never mix it up when it comes to other houses and being a NEWT student means only a limited number of Slytherins are in this class. Four of us to be exact. Myself, Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy and Suzie Crabbe. 

I tend to sit with the latter. Mainly because, its Potter and Malfoy. But todays a new day and I have a mission to complete. So, with a regretful look at Suzie I casually sat down next to Albus Potter as if he was an old friend. 

Instantly their conversation had ceased and everyone else in the class started whispering heatedly.  No one associates with the Wotter's unless they want you to. They ruled this school and this is openly challenging them. I paid no mind to anyone while I started getting out my textbook, ink well, quil'-

"You lost, Flint?".

I looked up into the handsome face of Albus Potter. He was sneering at me, his emerald eyes scrutinising my every move. And his words had a surprising amount of bite to them that shocked me. I tusked. "No. According to my schedule this is my class."

He smirked and nodded mockingly. "I meant, that isn't your seat".

I repressed the need to mutter duh under my breath at him. As if to prove him right a cough sounded at the front of our (I'm using that term loosly) table. I slowly rose my eyes to find an exasperated Rose Weasley glaring down at me. Of course. The Gryffindor princess herself. I huffed. "Can I help you, Weasley?".

She scoffed. "What are you playing at Flint? get up!".

I smirked. "Are you going to make me?". 

I didn't bother further acknowledging her as I elegantly started to write the date on my piece of parchment. The tables in this classroom only allowed three per table. Guess she'll just have to sit with Crabbe. I could feel them all having a silent conversation with eachother. Step 1 of the plan is in action. Get Albus Potter to notice me. And based off the seventh years no tact whispering, I'd say Potter is going to be hearing about this for the rest of the day.

Someone kicked my leg under the table causing my hand to knock across my parchment. A big thick line covering it. I looked up and glared up into the eyes of Scorpius Malfoy. He smiked. "Whoops, You should see if Crabbe over there has a spare piece of parchment".

Alright so I obviously don't belong, but I've achieved what I wanted to I guess. Still, I need to not be weird and have an excuse for being here to keep the ol' dignity. I turned to Potter and flicked his badge causing him to raise an eyebrow. "You know you only got that because of Daddy, right?. It wasn't you who broke a hogwarts quidditch record. Remember that when you're writing up our plays, Potter. If we lose, I'l destroy you both literally and metaphorically".

He'd grown pale and I could see it, surprise. I'm guessing this is the first time anyones stood up to him or put a Potter in their place. Rose swallowed, Malfoy glared and Potter...he smirked. "I know".

It wasn't what I expected. I thought he'd throw it back in my face. Argue with me. But to agree?. He came off as cold, arrogant for sure but...he was leaning in closer. He was curel in the way he used his expression and tone. And maybe I was wrong. Maybe he was a Slytherin after all. He was so close to me before he quickly ducked his head down towards my neck. His breath hit my neck causing me to subconsciously shiver. "I know, and even being the daughter of Macus Flint doesn't compare to being the son of Harry Potter. Now, get out of that chair. Because unlike my cousin I won't hesitate to hex you out of it".

I recoiled. Just who am I up against here?...His eyes were daring as if he wanted to hex me to death. He's sinister. Ooft, I was almost sorry I'm the only one to find this out. He's not good, hes damaged and broken. Maybe even a twisted soul. Did this now make it easier of harder to manipulate him?. One thing was for certain, Albus Potter knows me now. I'm offically on his radar but instead of feeling satisfied all I felt were chills.

I smirked back at him casually. Like I wasn't at all put off by the fact that his whole personality is a lie. "Whatever, Potter. Pretend all you want but you're not one of us."

He snorted. "Us? a Slytherin you mean". He indicated to the emblem on his robes and I laughed. A geniune laugh that caused fires to burn behind those green irises. "You don't even believe that. You think Malfoy over there is enough for you?".

This time I leant over and whispered in his ear. "You may lie to yourself but who are you kidding?. You've always wanted to know whats its like. Really like to be one of us. To fall in the darkness and let it take hold and the power we naturally attract. You think Malfoy, with the maturity level of a first year can ever fill that void of yours?...". 

I leant back, winked at him and stood. Leaving a glaring Weasley and confused Malfoy in my wake.  As I sat down at Crabbe's table I took a slight glance at Potter who wasn't glaring at me in disgust but eyeing me in intrigue. Something I said definitely hit home. It was only once his cousin hit his shoulder to grab his attention that those cold eyes finally left my own.

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now