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Rest assured, the rumor spread around as fast as a hippogriff. 

I may not always get along with the population of Hogwarts but I can always count on these kids to gossip about anything remotely Wotter. Thankfully that includes one pissed off Albus Potter. 

I found myself smirking at him knowingly across the common room. I kept it abrupt and turned to Amelia as not to draw attention to myself. Yet, still showcasing to my fellow snake that I am the reason for their bad day.

I could feel the glare piercing into the back of my head from here. And it feels like success. I smiled up at Amelia. "Wonderful day, isn't it?".

She scoffed. "It's Monday. You hate Mondays".

Ah, but not this one. No this one feels like Christmas. I was just about to tell her so before someone cleared their throat behind us.

She blinked and I frowned, before we both turned slightly to find one disgruntled if not pissed the fuck off, Al Potter. 

He looked at me like he looks at everyone else. Like dirt.

And it hurt. I don't know why that hurts, I don't care. Really I don't. 

He huffed. "A word, Flint".

I shrugged. "Nah".

Amelia blinked and then shot me a 'what the hell' look. 

I understood the look. Albus Potter has the means to lower us even further on the social ladder at Hogwarts. Like, if there's a tier below death-eater scum then I'm hitting the right nerve to find out. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine".

Potter seemed on a mission. As soon as I was off the couch he'd grabbed my wrist and basically dragged me into the seventh year boys dormitory. 

Oooh. Ive never actually been in any boys dormitory before. Most girls in this school I'm sure haven't waited this long if you know what I mean. I guess there was always Sean Finnegan but he was only dating me to meet my dad. It's not so different from mine except... "It reeks in here".

He tusked and even those emerald eyes shined in annoyance. "The entire school thinks I'm shagging Polly Chapman".

I couldn't stop the look of pure fascination that erupted onto my face. "They're up to shagging already?. Gosh, you really can't trust anyone to spread a rumour and not add something else into mix, right?".

His glare intensified. "Fix it".

I scoffed. "I'm sorry. Is that defeat I hear, Potter?".

Albus rolled his eyes unfazed. "This doesn't help either of us, Flint. I'm still Captain whether I'm shagging Chapman or not".

That's...bloody true. I huffed. "Maybe I just want to see you suffer a little in the meantime".

Not part of the deal.

He paused before he rose his eyebrow and leant back. I hadn't even been aware we were nose to nose. 

I swallowed in the silence. It seemed defening. That sound is my weakness. B-because I can see Potter's eyes gleam in that twisted way. In that 'stupid girl, was that article not enough?' way. In the way I know deep down that if Albus Potter really wanted to destroy me he could. Not becuase he's evil, but because he's ingenous in a way only true slytherins can be.

But I can't take that sentence back without admiting defeat.

And worst of all, Potter knows that too. Knows that in this particular moment he has the upper hand.

He has a slight smile on his face. But its not real, its cruel. "Make it go away".


Its more of squeek that comes out of me. And I didn't even hesitate at all before answering.  Just when I think he'll end me with some hidden truth about myself, some terrible secret only he can find out, he doesn't utter a word.

He takes a small hesitatnt step forward and I'm suprised when I don't step back. He smirks, takes a piece of my hair and tucks it behind my ear. "Its easy to see why you're not in Gryffindor, Flint".

I find myself smirking at him with a wicked eyebrow. "But Potter? Who'd ever want to be in Gryffindor? When Slytherins always win".

I can't look away. I want to. I know that not looking away invites the possiblity of Potter being something else then my enemy. But I can't. Even when he cups my cheek and whispers. "You can't beat me, Flint".

"Watch me". 

My tone is biting and I can sense our want under all this hate, if its even that. And those two little words, is all he needed to hear before he engulfed me in that kiss. 

Like always, he feels like ecstasy and posion all in one.

I was alas a bit confused from my encounter with Potter. Not to mention scared shitless that I've now added general suffering to this pissing contest. So much so that I'm jumping at every halloween decoration or ghost that happens to past me in the hallways. It just had to be halloween on the one day I'm scared out of my goddamn mind!.

So, its no suprise that when a seventh year gryffindor with hair as orange as a jac-o-latern tapped my shoulder that I literally jumped with a moderate to loud. "Eeep".

I think she expected me to be strange, or maybe she just thinks I'm deatheater scum. Either way, Rose Wealsey scoffed and rose an unimpressed eyebrow at me. "You're that Slytherin girl".

Look, I know I shouldn't have done it. But to be frank, this is the equivelant of Oprah pretending not to know Ellen's name. Rose Wealsey and I are both extremely famous and on extremely opposite ends of wizarding society. And Hogarts while we're at it.

I know she's not dumb, she's the opposite. Not to mention people are staring at us because this is Rose Wealsey talking to someone in green robes with no red hair. And that never bloody happens in this castle. 

Naturaly I do the expect slytherin thing. I pointedly look at her, then at the emblem on my robes before I shrug and mutter out. "Nah that doesn't look like me, sorry".

She blinks in suprise before she runs a hand through her bushy like hair. "Right...I didn't mean it like that".

I fought the urge to reply 'well it came across like that' snootily. My rep is that bad and my fame is the only thing stopping these kids from hexing me. Insulting this girl, however annoyingly elitest and popular she is, will definetly cost me that. 

I honestly wish I did something awesome. But I'm sure I was just staring at her in a constatnt 'what the fuck you doing, Wealsey?' kinda way.

She opened her mouth before she closed it again. She then shook her head more at herself. "Right, look. Scorpius is my friend so if you hurt him then I hurt you. But, he really misses you and Crabbe so...you can sit with us at dinner".

The last part of that sentence was uttered like somone had her under the cruciatus curse. And I definetly know she just said it, because the no-tact wonders we call students where suddenly all whispering heatedly. 

I paused before I felt myself smile. "Well, I'll have to talk it over with Crabbe. Big groups and all, she doesn't do well with new people. I think, we'd only do it if we could sit at our table".

I kid you not. The colour drained from her face. "The.." She leaned forward slightly. "...Slytherin table.."

I smiled and nodded. "The very one. Its on the end, left hand side. Easy to find even if your not in Hufflepuff". I winked at her. "See you and ol'Scorp at dinner".

Afterall, Dinner with the Wotters means dinner with Potter.

And I'm going to make this a holiday feast that he never forgets.


tbh its like half past midnight and I can't be bothered editing it. More a tomorrow problem.  So sorry if its hard to read. :)

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