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Its almost sickening how sweet Scorpius and Suzie are. For a pair of snakes they're...eh my friends. I guess. I squinted at Scorpius while he snorted manically. He seems to be the only one in Slytherin house that didn't know Suzie  punched Lizzie Bulstrode in the face. 

Scorpius, I kid you not wiped a tear from his snorting, laughing self. "Did she really try to curse you, though?".

Suzie shrugged as she bit into a toffee apple. "W'old uf if t'e b'ood from her no'e wasn't pou'ren in her mo'th". 

And we laughed. For a moment, it felt like we'd all just regained something we'd lost for the past seven years. A hole being filled. 

Scorpius then perked in his seat as he reached for some pumpkin pie. "So, Father is having a christmas party this year".

I rolled my eyes. "Like every year".

Scorpius slumped a little and gave me a mock stern face. "Just thought I'd remind you two. You know, since you've both been skippying it for the last six years".

I opened and closed my mouth trying to come up with an excuse.

 Suzie suddenly coughed. "I'll be sick that night".

I hung my head in frustration. At least lie with confidence Crabbe!. I tried to ignore Scorpius' frown that seemed to wobble. He exhaled loudly, too loudly to be anything but his hardest attempt to hold in a sob. 

I bit my lip and looked pointedly down at my plate. Suize took a rather loud crunch from her apple. But I could still feel those grey eyes on us. The slight sniff...

Fuck, I can't let him cry when I've just got him back.  I sighed in defeat and gave him a tight lipped smile. "We'll go".

Suzie turned to me in alarm, Scorpius apparently forgotten. "We will!?!".

Scorpius sniffed, and that slight little twinkle was back in his eye as he smiled at me in gratitude. The silent plea from him was clear. He wants us both at Malfoy Manner. I nodded at her. "We will".

Scorpius bounced up and down on the bench. Thus, proving my point that he has the maturity level of a first year. "This'll be so great. Carols and oh!-you guys can meet my friends and there'll  be fruitcake!. That's still your favourite, right Suzie. An-".

"Hope I'm not interuppting. You looked a bit sad, mate".

My eye twitched at the sound of his voice.  He stood infront of Suzie and I, eyeing me in annoyance?. No, maybe its hatred...?. Its a clear 'what the fuck did you do, Flint?'  kind of look. 

Potter, who no doubt has been watching us from the Gryffindor table seems to have decided with a nod at Scorpius that its perfectly fine to sit with us. Probably due to Scorpius holding in tears for the past five minutes. He sat directly across from me and Scorpius still on his high, beamed at him. 

Scorpius then looked at Suzie as if to say 'is this okay?'. Completely forgetting to ask me that silent question, because my answer would've been the worlds biggest shake of the head!. Not the small hesitant nod that Suzie gave Scorpius. 

Scorp turned to Potter with an excited smile. "Suzie and Tara are coming to the Christmas party this year".

I blinked in the realisation that of course Potter would be there too. 

Double Fuck.

Potter turned from Scorpius and his green eyes pierced mine. Dangerous eyes with a wicked grin to match. "That'll be fun".

I heard a slight creak on the bench next me and frowned at Suzie invaded my personal space. "Told you he smiles".

I rolled my eyes and Scorpius frowned as I elbowed her with a "Shut up, Suzie".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now