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I need to get my bearings.

I, Tara Flint and losing whatever it is I'm supposed to be with Potter. He's won one too many arguments. Of course I do love the outcome but my pride, as a slytherin I can only take so many kisses before I need to retaliate. Hence, hiding out in the owlery at one in the morning to come to terms with what I need to do to outsmart him. 

I'm also in two minds about helping Potter get on the Ireland team. I know he wants the spot but to quote him 'its a means to an end'. And as ominous as that sounds, I hope its only Harry Potter's end and that Albus won't ruin the Ireland team to do it. That team is basically my family's life. I don't want to be the one to destroy it. Also is Tom involved in Potter's master plan? he's captain, still will be if Potter joins the team. Would Potter somehow subotage Tom?. He's number one in the world...and I don't believe Potter is below dirty moves.

I bit the end of my quill pensively only to gag as ink invaded my mouth. Bloody disgu-


I frowned as I stared up at the expensive looking owl. Potter's owl. I poked my tongue at it and continued my scribbling. What I didn't account for was Potter leaning against the doorway. A bored cough had me sitting up in alarm, my quill flying out of my hand. Potter's green eyes seemed to glow in the dark. "What you doing, Flint?".

I shrugged casually as I screwed up my piece of parchment and shoved it in my bag. "Nothing, just writing to my family".

He nodded to himself. "Do you always screw up your letters to home?".

I tusked. "Yeah and sometimes I like to give my letters that old timey look. I've just got to burn the ends and then I'll send this off".

He rolled his eyes and then frowned at me. "Why are you in the Owlery at One in the morning?".

I scoffed. "Why are you?". 

I didn't want to admit that ever since the pink goo incident I've found that I'm at my most productive self amoung the owls and their droppings. 

He tipped his head to the side in consideration before he gave me a slight glare. "I have this map, it shows me where everyone is at all times in the castle. Imagine my surprise, when I saw my girlfriend's name in the owlery on the coldest night of the year?. It also hit me that you can't condure a heating charm to save your own life". He smirked and shrugged carelessly.

I sat shivering. Yes, the owlery has no windows and is basically a tower with large holes on the walls for the owls to come in and out. Alas, I'm freaking freezing. But, I figured coming up with a plan was worth my now numb toes. I glared at his stupid smirk. "So cast one!".

He shook his head at me. "Try it".

I frowned. "Rather freeze to death, thanks though".

He sighed and run a hand through his gorgeously messy hair. "You can do it, Flint. Its a second year charm".

I slowly turned my head to the nearest wall and stared at the night sky in protest. He knows I can't do it. I don't even know if Suzie knows I can't do it. He sighed. "I'm sure even Tomswealth can do it".

Of course Tommy can do it. He's a gifted child that is doing seventh year work in second year and somehow passing all of it. I clicked my tongue at him. "Leave Tommy out of this".

Potter smirked. "You know, I'd hate to see the poor kid get kicked out of school for cheating".

I blanched at him. "Is that a threat?".

He shook his head. "I might forget about it if you cast a heating charm, I'm alreading starting to feel  cold".

I smirked. "That's just your blood pumping through your veins from your icy heart, no need to be so alarmed".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now