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"I saw you!"

A hiss that caused me to frown because I know the owner of that voice is not a fellow snake of mine. I rolled my eyes, this will most definitely be a painful conversation mainly because it's...

"Polly" I deadpanned. "Was I supposed to be not seen by you? Hogwarts is only so big".

She scoffed. "I saw you and Potter". 

A beat of silence before another hiss, but this time in outrage. "Together!" 

I felt my face scrunch up at the pure audacity. But alas, as I tried to think of a time when I and Potter were in close proximity my brain came up with no less than ten possible scenarios. Suzie coughed but shot me a 'tell me later' look from behind our cauldron. I love her, but Suzie isn't about to risk her neck to defend me against Polly Chapman and her weird claim on Potter. Technically it's no-claim as I know Potter hates her guts.

I shrugged. Maybe I just want the fight today. But for some reason instead of defending my Potterless life I replied. "Yes, he gave me notes on my homework because I'm paying him to do it now instead of the ickle firsties".

She scoffed again. "Come off it!. I saw you snog him!".

That caused me to turn around and actually face her. She looked disgusted and gutted at the same time. I on the other hand am trying to figure out when I snogged him. 

Okay, yes. I've snogged him. 

But not publicly. Never publicly. There was a full snog in the Slytherin boys dormitory. Other times it was a peck...maybe a longer kiss in the owlery like a month ago now?. But, we were alone. 

Doubt swam on my face. I felt like childishly pointing my finger at her and yelling 'LIAR'  infront of the entire class. Instead I snorted and muttered. "And when what that be?".

She flipped her hair snootily. "Last night. Eleven o'clock just as I was finishing my rounds. You were snogging outside the third floor bathrooms".

Annnd...at exactly eleven o'clock last night. Yes...that would have been me. 

Damn it!. I felt myself let out a breath. "Oh".

I felt Suzie freeze mid stir. Polly on the other hand hanging off my every word. "Oh?. Are two dating?".

I shook my head. "It was a pity kiss".

She blinked. "What are you talking about?".

I shrugged like I wasn't just rambling. "He'd never kissed anyone before and I took pity on a fellow house mate".

She blinked, then snorted. "Potter has kissed half the cohort not to mention he's shagged Clement so man-"

Rose Weasley chose that moment to sit next to Polly. And Polly who apparently has more tact then I give her credit for, shutted up. 

Rose looked up from her ingredients and took in Polly's glare and Suzie and me both white as sheets in shock. 

More so Crabbe, who isn't stirring but staring at me. In a 'you did whaaaat?' look. 

She looked at the three of us, nose scrunching in accusation. "No, we're not going to let you cheat off us".

I rolled my eyes. "Wouldn't dream of it".     

She hummed. "Whatever". And went about ordering Polly about. No doubt they'll get O's for this assessment. 

I gulped before turning to face Crabbe. 

Crabbe who looks like she's about to combust. Just play it cool. I scoffed. "Oh come on, it was one snog Suzie".

She frowned and leaned in closer and pointed her wanted at me. My eyes narrowed at the end of it in apprehension. "Just what are you playing at? Its Potter...Potter!".

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now