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I would consider falling asleep in this class, but by the looks of those moving vines I better not. 


Is a drainer and requires knowledge to pass. Therefore I hate it. I huffed and watched as Ameilia scrambled to get every single word Professor Longbottom said written down. I smirked, she's nearly breaking a sweat. 

Instead I tapped my knees, strumbed my nails on the table, sighed excessivly, smiled at Professor Longbottom who rose an eyebrow at myself not writing whatever he says down, went back to staring out the windo-

A crumpled piece of paper fell onto my desk. I blinked before tearing my eyes from the window to the ball of paper. Turning to Amelia in expectency, but alas she had her head down and hand almost vibrating as she wrote. 

A frown was on my face as I opened it, I doubt this is from Suzie Crabbe. She's not in this class and last I checked they're my only two friends. Which leaves... strangers.  Gross.

I need to talk to you.


Even worse its from Potter!.

To be honest I wasn't aware he took herbology. I tusked and wrote my answer,

And I need Quidditch Captain, but apparently we can't all get what we want Potter.


I felt my head tip to the side. I wish I could pull off Ta but it doesn't look right written down. I huffed and quickly added ra on the end before tossing the note carelessly behind me. Ingnoring the Hufflepuff who grumbled in annoyance and kicked the note across the room. 

I could've done the nice thing and charmed it over to him, But I'd actually need to know the charm to do that. Besides, this way I'll feel more satifaction knowing I've probably pissed him off for the day. 


After my draining day of classes and dinner, I decided I really need to work on operation get Potter expelled. So far, I've only managed to slightly anger him and make the Slytherin Quidditch team. It's depressing.

I need something...big. Something bigger than quidditch articles big.

Which is why at midnight I found an abandoned classroom and started writing out ideas in the safety of knowing that Potter is in bed on the other side of the castle. Foolproof really.

I crossed out the name Scorpius. That hadn't gone well. Besides a part of me felt bad for using Scorpius even if he doesn't consider Suzie and I his friends anymore. 

I resisted the urge to bang my head on the desk. I'm a Slytherin that can't come up with a cunning plan. Not like Potter. Maybe I'm just a girl full of ambition. I've got plenty of it, it's what drives me everyday.

...but am I cunning?. I've never questioned that before. I thought I was but I've never had a challenge as good as this. Never come up against someone so Slytherin as Albus Potter. I've got enough ambition to take him down but I'll need to be more cunning. More cunning then Albus Potter. Which seems impossible, he beat me in little under a day.

It's like he'd been planning it for months!. Deep breath. Just as I started tapping my quill a cough had me looking up into sparkling like green eyes.

I jumped in surprise and immediately shoved all my parchment into my robes while Potter stared at my scrambling form in amusement. 

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now