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"You're insane".

I scoffed at Suzie. The two of us sat in the Slytherin common room. Her hands are currently clutching her bertie botts box like I just suggested we jump into the black lake for fun. "You haven't even heard me out yet".

She wrinkled up her nose. "I heard Wotters. So no. They'll hex us or...or..."

I frowned. "Or what? Make us socially acceptable? Not bad, right Crabbes?".

She shook her head. "You're Tara Flint, you'll always be socially acceptable".

Damn it I'm losing her. I sighed and joined her on the couch. "What about Scorpius?".

She paused mid chew. "Wut a'out Scpus".

I blinked, manners are lost on us slytherin girls. "Apparently he wants to be friends again. Rose Weasley told me herself".

She looked at me pointedly. "But not Scorpius?".

I tipped my head to the side. "Er..no?".

Come to think of it, I feel like everyone but Scorpius is telling me to be his friend again. I shrugged. "Its because he's a coward and I think he feels bad about the whole brain and pink goo thing".

Suzie sighed at me. "You really believe that?".

I nodded. "Yeah, I do. And I'm not getting my old bestfriend back without you so...are we making friends tonight or sitting like legends at the end of the table? Your call".

She suprised me when I started to see slight tears in those small eyes of hers. "You mean that. You haven't so much as cared that much in years about what I do or where I sit".

I scoffed. "I always sit next to you in classes. You and Ameli-"

She rolled her eyes. "Amelia, Amelia. You only sit with me if Amelia isn't in your class. You only eat with me if Amelia is in the libray and you only talk to me when Amelia isn't around. I'm your back-up friend"

I felt my draw drop. "That's not true".

She snorted and put about ten burtie botts in her mouth. "Its been true since first year".

I hugged her. I don't think words can fix this one. Even the small "I'm genuelly so sorry you've felt that way" didn't seem to ease any of that pain that she felt. That I knew deep down I'd caused. 

I leant back into the couch and held her hand. "No Ameilia at dinner then. Just you and me. Or, you me and Scorpius. We can even tell those Wotters to bugger off". 

She sniffed a bit. "Really?...only if you tell them no though. If I'm being honest Roxanne Weasley scares me".

I blinked. "The second year?".

Suzie nodded in slight fear. "Never seen that kid smile". She then shuddered at the thought of the twelve year old.

I bit my lip to contain my smile. "What about Albus Potter? He never smiles".

She shrugged. "He smiles on the quidditch pitch".

Ah yes. I supposed just the thought of being captain on that pitch is enough to make anyone smile. I know my face was a smile right now, twisted for sure but a smile nonetheless. "What about we eat with Scorpius tonight and if we think he's genuinely wanting to be our friend again then we'll agree to meet his friends tomorrow?".

She shrugged. "I guess".

I smiled. "Great I'll go find Scorpius and tell him to cut his friends lose for the night".

It's a compromise. Crabbe is important, Scorpius could be important to me like he used to be. Sadly I have two friends, and Scorpius used to be like a brother to me. That might be slightly more important than quidditch. But only for tonight, I'll continue operation get Potter expelled tomorrow. 

The Snake-Pit (Albus Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now