Yes Ma'am (Sub!LokiXDom!Reader)

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Inspired by 'To Hell With It' by SaraSchrader5 kinda like if the roles were reversed and he was your secretary? I just wanted to make more Sub Loki content~ I'll make more if people like this one. The pic above is of the office but the desk is closed off, you'll see why. ;)

TW: Domestic abuse, cheating, dungeons, Sub!Loki, Dom!reader, oral, intercourse, public sex, office sex

Y/N is the CEO of a very wealthy bank in London, Loki has been a loyal secretary of hers for 3 years and has been an absolute dream to Y/N, both professionally and unprofessionally. When around others he's like your butler,

'Ma'am there's a conference in an hour.'

'You have a meeting with Beijing that day.'

'Heres the acquisition forms.'

When alone he's basically a slave;

'Shall I fetch your lunch madame?'

'You've been in and out of meetings all day, is there any way I can alleviate your burden?'

'You've been at your desk all day, shall I schedule a massage?'

Not that either of you has acted on this, of course, you wanted to be a professional and your tastes were of a particular flavor that you weren't sure he was okay with but sometimes he makes you wonder. You've swatted a fly on yourself and seen him jump at the sound of skin slapping skin, how he holds his breath when you help him adjust his tie before important meetings, how he's always ready to... please you.

You yawned a little and rubbed your forehead 'I have been trying to read this damn paragraph for ten minutes and I still have no clue what I'm looking at' you thought, rubbing your eyes as you leaned back in your office chair. You looked out the windowed wall of your big office, there was a beautiful view of London, especially at night, all lit up with the city life. You smiled a little out the window for a moment, letting it distract you from work for a moment, it was a lot of stress, this position but you wouldn't trade it for the world. Something dominating about heading a male-dominated empire seemed to be empowering to you... Well, it was the dominating part you liked really.

Honestly, it was nice to have somewhere to go when you were sick of home. Unfortunately, you were somewhat avoiding going home, you'd recently walked in on your boyfriend going down on Lucille, your dog walker in your house, that you'd paid for. So you'd been working late nights the last couple of days to take your mind off of it, only going straight to bed when you were home.

 You jumped a little as someone just walked in, turning to them "Loki?" you asked, making him jump as he looked up. He was wearing his work suit like normal, that black suit with the silver tie you gave him last Christmas, it had his name in Norse ruins on the tip. However, it was the shades he was wearing at 1:00 at night that had you more curious than anything. 

He cleared his throat, letting the frosted glass door close "Ma'am uh... I thought you'd be at home with Richard" he said, making you scoff at the sound of your now ex-boyfriend "Richard is old news... Caught him fucking Lucille, " you said, picking up your water bottle. He arched a brow and tilted his head "Are you talking about your dog walker? The one...?" he asked, gesturing big breasts on his body.

You had to snicker and nod "That's the one." you said, finishing your drink before setting it down as he walked over. He nodded "I'm sorry about that ma'am I'll see he's barred from the premises just to be safe and see when I can schedule you some interviews for a new dog walker. " he said, making me smile "Thank you... Now, why the shades?" you asked. He pressed his lips together "They're simply comfortable." he said, setting the file down on the desk "Uh... Ma'am, you have a relatively slow day tomorrow and I meant to call you on my way out, but I need to stay home tomorrow I'm not well" he said. You frowned "Oh no," you said then stood, your outfit relaxing around you slightly

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