Welcome Home (Sub! Loki x Dom! Reader)

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Thanks for 100 reads~! This is a sequel to my other one shot Yes Ma'am, so if you haven't read it be sure to check it out or you may be lost. Also:

Warning: House sub rules, anal toys, orgasm control, cunnilingus, mistress/slave play, slut name calling, light airplay?

Petal soft kisses being carefully placed on your shoulder just barely stir you, comforting warmth to your back reminding you of who that is. You smiled "Good morning" you whispered "Morning" Loki whispered back in between kisses "Its nice to wake up to you here" you murmured. He nuzzled his head into your neck "It's nice to wake up here, much easier than driving the hour" he said, his whispers making you squirm a bit in his arms. You turned around so you faced him and pecked his lips "Yes but it just means you'll need to go back out for my coffee before we go in today." you said.

He groaned a little "I wasn't planning on going in today, remember?" he asked, pointing at his eye, you frowned and reached out, stroking his cheek softly "I have that meeting with Bodo today." you said with a sigh "You can stay here if you want but I have to go." you said. He frowned a little and nodded "Alright, if you're comfortable with that" he said, brushing some hair out of your face. You nodded and sighed "Normally no, but its you and... Well, you already have a key." you said, he only chuckled to himself "That is true '' he said then nuzzled his face into yours.

You giggled a little then bit your lip "Loki, what would you say to..." you trailed off a little then inhaled again deciding to change the subject "Having some rules while I'm gone?" you asked with a smile. He blinked a little then arched a brow, propping his head up with his hand "What do you mean?" he asked, you shrugged "Like a list of rules for you to follow while I'm gone, and rules for you to follow when I get home." you explained. He thought a bit then flushed when he realized what you mean "Like a... House sub?" he asked shyly making you giggle and nod "Yeah... Only if you're comfortable with it" you said. He cleared his throat a little and grinned "Eheh I think I could let you boss me around a bit more." he said, wrapping his arms around you in a tight warm embrace.

You nuzzled against him a little, feeling just overwhelmingly safe and comfortable. With how well he listened to your needs and worshipped you last night you felt truly amazing, more than you have with anyone in a long time. While you two had given yourselves to each other at the office, in your living, the bedroom, and the aftercare shower, neither of you strictly called each other anything. You wanted to ask but you weren't sure if you should? Is this even professional? Definitely not.

He finally pulled away and stretched "Why don't you write out what you want of me while I go fetch us some breakfast," he said as he began to get dressed. You watched him get dressed, his pale skin darkened with hickeys around his neck, some scattered everywhere. He turned and smirked at you "Admiring your handiwork?" he asked making you chuckle "I've always fancied myself an artist" you said as you crawled out of bed, throwing on a comfy sweater and some panties. You turned to catch Loki eying you up and down then blinked and cleared his throat "Back in a bit" he said, leaving the room almost quickly.

You chuckled a little then grabbed your phone and walked to the kitchen, making yourself some coffee as you googled some rule ideas on your phone. Some ideas were a little spicy but you wanted him to have some fun... Maybe a mix of both? You two still hadn't discussed anything properly as far as wants and needs, you only had heated reactions to go off of. You smirked a little getting an idea and began tapping away at your phone, sending some emails and notices.

When Loki returned you were fully washed and dressed for work, gathering your paperwork, getting everything ready. He set down the food and pulled it out "Sorry I'm late, traffic was insane." he said, you stood and walked over as he simply unloaded the food onto the table. You walked up and reached out grabbing a heaping handful of his ass, he gasped and gripped the table edge "Color?" you asked. He panted a little "Green" he said almost too eagerly, being grabbed there hard was a fun weak point you found.

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