Different Point Of View (Third Base)

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A//N: 7833 Words... I apologize for nothing.






"Can you get that faucet? I think it's the upstairs hallway bathroom."

There was a wisp of sulfur...

Then a pause...

Then another

"It was your bathroom, you're getting rusty."

You chuckled a little "Guess we'll have to train more." You said, carefully sliding your hand over until it touched a cool glass. You lifted it to your mouth and drank it before you set it back down with both hands. Beside you came a bit of mint and oak, you smiled "Refill?" Loki asked beside you. You shook your head "No, I think I'd like to go sit by the lake." You said as you stood. He shifted slightly "Do you want me to bring you anything?" He asked, you shook your head "I'm perfectly capable of bringing a book to the lake, Loki thank you." You said.

Loki only chuckled "Fine fine, far be it from me to make sure you don't drown." He said. He gently took your hand and placed the book in it "Thank you for your hard work sir." you said sarcastically. He chuckled slightly and paused, you felt his eyes on you but he said nothing before he took a deep breath "Be safe" he said. You nodded and turned, holding your hand out until the left side of your hand touched the kitchen counter and followed it out the door. You held onto the railing as you descended the steps to the stone path, carefully seeking out each stone with your foot.

You had a rhythm for this now, after being completely blind for almost two years you'd figured out all the tricks and mental tuning. 

You wouldn't have figured it out without Loki though.

You chuckled a little to yourself remembering when he landed in your yard several years ago. He was a cocky little brat with limited powers and a gaping wound in his side. He resisted almost every time you tried to help him because of the bad sight he didn't trust you to help him. You had him up and about again in two weeks.

You stopped for a moment as your foot made contact with wood 'The dock' you thought before standing properly, walking the ten steps to the pavilion, turning as you held the entrance arch. You sat down on the bench and crossed your legs with a huff, simply enjoying the peace and atmosphere. After your home was partially destroyed in the attack you had an opportunity, and housing Loki, a motive to leave.

You leaned your head back and closed your eyes, taking some deep breaths as you reflected back on Loki staying with you... After you helped him, he wouldn't leave. He wondered often why you helped him, but you simply had to, you were a nurse. Around the time he got better, your eyes had a bad reaction to the new pills, and that somewhat progressed your sight loss. You were basically useless, at least that's how you felt, you couldn't even work anymore. You came home that day broken and Loki was there for you, oddly enough. You told him your problem and from then on things oddly changed... Instead of threatening, insulting, or berating you he was helping you navigate your home, occasionally he cooked so you wouldn't burn yourself, he offered to wash you- Okay he was being more flirty there, either way.

He stayed.

He helped.

He was the only one to do either, and he was a complete stranger.

You pulled your head up with a smile before opening the book and sliding your hand up before sighing a bit "Shit" you murmured, realizing he gave you the wrong book. You stood while groaning exasperatingly and made your way back up the path as you did normally.

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