Absolute Zero (Angsty Fluff) (Request Fill)

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A//N: Early publish cause I need sleep lol Yay my first request fill! This was requested by creepypastagirl17
Hope you like what I created!

"Hey, Cap, I'm feeling a little warm, can I go home?"

"Last I checked you were always a little warm."

You frowned across the van at him, "Its a different warm" you said, he rolled his eyes "(Y/N) this is the last possible second you could have told us" he said. He pointed out the window "We're literally a block away from the objective" he said as you shrugged "I can't help how I feel" you said. He tilted his head "You can't help how you feel or you can't help that there's a meteor shower tonight?" he asked. You blinked and bit your lip realizing you were caught "Both?" you asked as he rolled his eyes "Eyes up soldier" he said with a smirk while standing, you stood as well with an exasperated sigh "Yeah yeah hoo-ha" you teased.

He laughed as the back door open and you piled out "Wheres Abbott and Costello?" you asked, glancing around. He shrugged "Costello is giving Abbot a lift" he said as you snickered "Love that you knew which was which," you said as you adjusted your uniform a bit, maybe unzipping the zipper a smidge. Steve rolled his eyes "Wasn't aware terrorism did it for you" he jabbed, you glared out the side of his eyes "Wasn't aware we weren't minding our own business" you jabbed back.

Everyone liked to give you shit for your crush on Loki.

You were there with him during Ragnarok,

He had the chance.

He didn't have to come back.

Yet he did.

That spoke volumes to you alone, nevermind how hard he was working for the Avengers, using his powers for good and working towards his redemption, it was admirable. Despite being an ass sometimes. You seemed to be the only one who truly thought he deserved a real chance, and not just used him for his power. Steve sighed a little bit "What if I set you up with Bucky?" he asked, you shook your head "Bucky's cute but... I think he needs to focus on himself." you said honestly.

Steve nodded and glanced behind you "There they are" he said, you nodded and cleared your throat "How do I look?" you asked. He eyed you up and down objectively before sighing "Like Mrs. Terrorist." he said, you winked jokingly at your tutor and turned. They were in civilian wear, Thor in a black shirt, jacket, and jeans while Loki wore a black button-up and black pants. You shook your head "You guys getting lunch or something?" you asked, gesturing the clothes as you and Steve were in full garb.

Loki scoffed "You prefer we wear less?" he asked 'Yes please' you thought but smirked "Unless you plan on blinding the enemy with your paleness I think we'll be fine." you teased. He smirked as you pulled up a tablet "We can enter the facility through here, but we suspect there's an underground area, too many cars going in, not enough coming out." you said. Thor nodded "So then they're sending us? Any particular reason?" he asked, you shrugged "They're not sure what we're gonna find, so... Go big or go home?" you asked. They nodded as you turned, giving the tablet to one of the soldiers, telling them to watch this entrance secretly, monitor who comes in and out.

You reached down and opened the manhole before jumping down inside, landing on the concrete safely. You stepped aside as the others came down and pulled up the GPS "This way" you said, walking carefully along with the sewage. Toxic to you because it's cold or not, you don't want to fall in that. A couple of miles of walking later and you were directly under it. The area had been blocked off and it seemed to lead to a tunnel. The tunnel began to close as you gestured them to jump in quietly, you rolled in and looked around for a moment. They jumped in behind you, looking at the surrounding area for a moment before Steve nudged his head forward.

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