Bath Time For King Loki (Master/Slave)

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Warnings: Man-handling, breast/nipple play, cheating themes, consensual non-consent, forceful intercourse, blowjob, ownership, degrading, master/slave play

A//N: This one shot now has a series! Check out: A Thorn By Any Other Name!

"Thats good" you murmured, pulling your hand out of the perfectly warmed bathwater, shaking the water off.  You stood upright, the chain attached to your collar rattled against your bare skin, causing you to wince slightly. You snapped your head to the golden door, hearing soft talking in the other room 'Shit!' you thought, grabbing the tray with his wine and goblet on it. You stood upright behind the door so you wouldn't be seen right away, biting your lip shyly, you didn't want to upset the king. 

King Loki stepped inside with a huff "I've just come home, Thor, can this not wait? She can't have gone far, Thor, I know she dreads these tea times but she's not-" Loki glances over at you, taking a moment to eye you up and down. You blushed heavily before looking back out the door "Hiding." he finished, you could hear Prince Thor sigh on the other side "Should your wife decide to tend to her duties, send her to the gardens, King" he said facetiously. Loki sighed and nodded before shutting the door, he turned to you and walked over, grabbing the goblet and sipping it carefully. You cleared your throat "Welcome home my king" you said softly.

You waited carefully, examining his face to try and tell just how this was going to go. 

He finished up his wine, staring at the empty goblet for a moment before tossing it to the side, grabbing your hair. He yanked your head back, grabbing the wine bottle before you dropped your platter, you whimpered, before you could move his hands he grabbed your hands, pushing you up against the wall. He stared down at your frightened form for a moment before smirking, a dark chuckle crawled out of the back of his throat "At least you will obey my every word, my little Alfheim slave." he growled out. You shivered under his touch before nodding shakingly "Yes, my king" you said, he nodded before releasing you and stepping away.

You panted a little before bending down and cleaning up the platter and goblet, you looked back at the King only to look away seeing he'd stripped himself of his robe. Loki tossed it aside and turned back before descending down into the spring, he gestured the bottle he set on the counter "Wine." he said. You nodded and walked over to the bottle, you placed it on the tray before kneeling behind him, pouring him a goblet, and handing it to him. He took it with his opposite hand and rested his arm beside him "Shall I wash you now sire?" you asked timidly. He turned his head to you "Speak up" he snapped, you jumped a little and cleared your throat "Shall I wash you now, sire?" you asked. 

He blinked "Thats, why I'm here, isn't it?" he sneered, you bit your lip hearing the anger in his voice, and nodded. You grabbed the sponge, water cup, and bathing oils before walking back to the spring, stepping down into the warm water until it met your hips. Loki sipped his wine as you covered the sponge in oil and water before leaning down in front of him. He leaned back, his arms apart to allow you to scrub his perfect chest down before rinsing it off. You turned and dipped the sponge into the water, ringing it out for a moment before an arm wrapped around your waist "Ah!" you yelped as you were yanked back. You landed square in King Loki's lap, his thighs underneath you as his hard cock rested against your back. You went to stand up when he yanked your chain, so your back met his chest, his mouth attacked your shoulder with bites and suckles.

You whimpered "Y-Your majesty!" you cooed in surprise, gasping as he covered your mouth "I never said you could talk." he said between kisses. He let go of the chain, reaching around to your front, taking a breast in each hand before skillfully rolling your nipples in between his fingers. You whimpered and leaned your head back onto his shoulder, your hands were perched upward, almost pinned against him. You gasped as he sucked right where your neck met your shoulder, pinching slightly harder, you moaned out as Loki chuckled "The littlest bit of force and you're mewling in my lap like a wanton whore." he said.

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