Tradition (Hallow-Fluff)

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A//N: WELCOME TO HALLO-SHOTS! It's just Halloween-themed one-shots throughout October. We're starting with my first fluff chapter! Enjoy!

"Come on!"

You reached with the hammer in one hand, nail in another "Stupid cute bat lights" you murmured reaching over on the ladder. You blinked as the hammer and nail floated out of your hands and nailed the lights to the wall, you smiled and turned to see Wanda. She had her hands raised as she was helping you "Thanks babes" you said while climbing down the ladder. She chuckled and shook her head "I don't understand, you know several people who have powers, can fly or are at least slightly taller than you. Why not ask someone? Or at least me, who can do all three?" she asked.

You walked over to your friend and wrapped your arms around her "Yeah you are the total package" you said, she laughed and smacked you away as she finished helping. You had gotten pretty far in decorating without her though, bats everywhere, little pumpkins, and some spooky sheets. She laughs a little "This is adorable, you really like this holiday." she said, you shrugged "Got to do little stuff that makes you happy" you said with a smile as you proudly scanned over your room.

She laughed and patted your back "I actually stopped in to say goodbye, I'm on my way out on a mission." she said. You nodded "I guess it's just me and Loki for dinner then," you said, Wanda nodded and crossed her arms "Okay... And you feel safe right?" she asked. You sighed "Yes I feel safe with Loki, Wanda, I appreciate you checking but come on, give him some credit." you said before walking over to some bags on your desk.

You pulled out some candles with spooky casings "He may not even speak to me, he barely talks to anyone. I'm just gonna vibe in here with some bad movies" you said. Wanda shrugged "I just wanted to make sure," she said, shrugging a bag over her shoulder before walking over and rustling your hair "Be safe," you said as she rushed out.

You set a couple of candles out before you changed into some civilian clothes, feeling the mood completely come together now "Snacktime" you said before walking out. You went to turn right, down to the garage in the compound where your car was but hesitated 'Actually I'd rather not go alone... I'll see if Loki wants to come with.' you thought. You turned around and went right down to his room and knocked on the door gently, a moment later you finally heard "Who is it?" he asked.

You cleared your throat "It's (Y/N)" you said, a second later the door opened and he was standing there. He looked damn fine in his black pants and t-shirt, the Asgardian armor he arrived in was divine but this casual look just did things. You smiled up at him "I'm going into the city for some things, do you want to come with me?" you asked. He arched a brow "Aren't I not allowed to leave?" he asked, voice a little deep, you shrugged "Well, an Avenger can sign you out for the day, and... I'm an Avenger, so." you said.

He pocketed his hand "Oh... No one's offered to sign me out yet" he murmured, you shrugged "I just did" you said with a smile. He stared at you and inhaled "Yes I suppose you did... Alright, let me get changed" he said, you nodded and stepped back as he closed the door. You waited a few moments before he stepped out wearing a coat and scarf "Good call it's chilly" you said then began walking to your car with him following behind.

In the city, he held to your side "What's with all the orange things?" Loki asked, pointing at yet another pumpkin sign in a coffee shop "It's an orange squash that we use a lot around this time of year, it's called a pumpkin." you said. He nodded a little "Ah, right fall... Isn't that prank holiday soon?" he asked with a small smirk as you giggled "It is, Halloween, that's actually why I'm here." you said. You two turned into a candy store, Loki recoiled at the smell "Woah, that's sweet" he said, you giggled "What, you've never been to a candy store before?" you asked.

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