Cravings (FFM Threesome)

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Warnings: contains smut, double penetration, praise kink, threesome, lesbian acts, cunnilingus (Both giving and receiving) strap on sex, anal, degredation, MXM suggestive text


You panted heavily, gripping onto Loki's shoulders as he thrusted up into you, gripping your hips tightly. You whimpered as the clone behind you slapped your ass as he pounded into you "L-Loki I'm close!" you moaned out deeply. He nodded, pinching at your nipples roughly as his pace quickened "Cum for us my pet" the one in front of you said as the one behind you gripped your jaw. You panted and twitched between the two before fully releasing onto them both, gripping your arms tightly around Loki's neck.

He groaned loudly as he twitched himself, cumming inside with his own notions. As you held Loki you both panted, coming down from the high of feelings "I'm gonna send him out" Loki warned before dismissing the clone, leaving you empty. You whimpered feeling different and curled into him as he stroked your back "You took everything so well" he whispered, kissing your collarbone. You smiled, letting your head lean back with his soft kisses.

You giggled as he reached a spot and leaned back up, meeting him in a kiss "So... What do you think?" He asked as he pulled you off. You shivered slightly before shrugging as he pulled you to his chest and laid back. He leaned down and grabbed the blanket while chuckling "You seemed to enjoy the idea of a third... Or atleast another second." He said, brushing some hair out of your face.

You giggled as you curled into his chest "I do... Truth be told I knew I'd enjoy a third." You said, feeling him trace small shapes in your shoulder. He tilted your head up "Then... What's going through that head of yours?" He asked. You bit your lip, hiding your little... Craving. Was hard. You knew Loki would understand it but bringing it up was hard for you.

He tilted your head up, breaking you out of your thoughts "Just because I can't read your thoughts with this dampening brace, doesn't mean I can't tell somethings up." he said. You blinked slightly at him then nodded "I... You do deserve to know..." you trailed off nervously, staring as he awaited your answer. You reached up and took his hand in yours "I'm... Well I... Like women too..." you trailed off, holding his hand somewhat afraid of his answer. He chuckled and raised your hands to his mouth "Is that whats got you so nervous?" he asked, you could only nod in return. He kissed your hand softly, never breaking eye contact "Darling I don't care... It may surprise you to know that I've enjoyed the company of both men and women." he said. 

You blushed harshly at the thought of Loki with a man but shook it off "Really? So... You don't mind?" you asked. He shook his head "I don't, your desires are just as important as mine darling..." he smirked "Is that what you'd like? A woman?" he asked. He shifted forms, growing long black hair, big breasts and a wonderful curve to her hips. 

You yelped and pulled off in surprise "Loki!" you exclaimed, turning to hide your blush. She laughed and sat up "I'm sorry, I know the shape shifting freaks you out-" "-Its not that!" you exclaimed defensively, crossing your arms. After a silent moment you felt hands on your shoulders "What is it darling?" she asked softly, gently massaging your shoulders. You bit your lip softly "I-I... I've never actually been with a woman like that, I've always been so nervous." you said. She froze up for a moment "I'm sorry, I didn't know... Do you want me to switch back?" she asked, you rolled in your lips and turned "Um... For now? But um..." you trailed your eyes down her slender but toned body, all the freckles and scars were where they should be. 

Honestly... Loki was a bombshell woman.

But it was still Loki.

"I appreciate it but I want you as you feel naturally... Whatever body that may be." 

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