Pub Bet (Public! Smut)

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Warning!: Contains MXM suggestive text, FXF suggestive text, public sex, cunnilingus, intercourse.

"You're full of it!"

You stumbled a little as Loki scoffed, "I am full of nothing!" he exclaimed, slamming his hand on the bar. The two of you were out for drinks with everyone else at the pub "There is no way that you could pull more maidens than I. I'm a fertility god dear boy." you said. He rolled his eyes, looking around the Asgardian pub then smirked and turned back "Prove it." he said.

You smirked a little and set your empty ale down "Fine, but not here" you said, waving your hand "Fine then. The Cauldron?" he asked, you shook your head "I got kicked out there for sleeping with the Innkeeper's wife" you said. He thought a moment "The Sceptor?" he asked, you shook your head again "You got kicked out of there for taking a barmaid in the stalls" you said. He shifted his eyes as he thought then nodded as though he remembered.

Then you both snapped your fingers


As you both stumbled out you laughed a bit, Loki shushed you though he laughed too. You two have been friends since you were children, you fought many battles, trained many nights, and drank many ales together.

You two did just about everything.

Including this challenge.

It started to feel more like you two were flirting and teasing each other by watching each other with people. At least it felt that way to you.

You two managed to sober up before reaching Heimdall, him already knowing what you two were doing, sent you two down, knowing at least you weren't disgracing the kingdom.

You cleared your throat as you landed then looked at Loki as he changed his appearance to a black button-down that was rolled up to the sleeves and tucked into some dark blue jeans. You eyed his form before clearing your throat "Do you mind?" you asked, gesturing your armor. He smirked at you and waved his hand, changing into a scantily dressed short black glittery dress that hooped around your neck.

You looked at yourself, noting some black heels, your hair was up and your jewelry was emerald studded and gold. You chuckled a little and did a small spin "You accentuated all my best features..." you trailed, smirking behind you at him giving your ass a little wiggle. He chuckled "Not all your best features... only that perfect body of yours~" he cooed and tilted his head, pressing in his lips as he eyed you, and hey it's fair-You eyed him too.

You chuckled and turned "Here... Let me help you." You said, messing with his hair, braiding the two strands on the side and met them behind his head, tying them with a haircut you asked him to conjure. He reached back and felt them with a groan "Braids? Honestly?" "Yes, trust me it looks good, and it shows off that sharp jawline of yours," you said, tracing his jaw as you finished.

You both walked down the sidewalk, as you linked elbows "How shall we measure this time?" He asked. You held up a finger "Midguardian's have this habit of handing out phone numbers to mates, shall we collect them?" You asked. He nodded

"Amendable, however, I know we started this with maidens but I wouldn't mind eh-"

"-Doubling the numbers? I suppose not but if I'm in for a workout I'd like to earn something"

"Oh? What would you like to earn then?"

"Hmm... "

You eyed him once more then smirked, deciding that you were going to have some form of fun tonight.

"Loser is the winner's slave for the week"

He looked over and smirked "Whatever the winner says goes?" You nodded "Darling are you sure you want to risk that?" He asked with a coy smirk. You only scoffed "You are the one risking it it is up to you my... Sir." You said to avoid calling him prince, but the word seemed to have an effect on him, he shuddered a little then cleared his throat

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