Unique (Fluff)

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A//N: 2K reads?! Seriously?! Thank you guys so much I really appreciate it! Heres an extra chapter!

You knocked softly, waiting only a moment before you cleared your throat "Loki?" You said, your hand fidgeted nervously with the brim of your skirt. You wore a puffy white sweater with black overalls and doc martins, ready to go out at a moments notice, dependent on how this meeting went.

 A moment later he opened the door to your smile, and allowed you in. You stepped in quickly and turned to him in his suit from the meeting "So?" You asked eagerly, he shrugged and shut the door. "The approvals gone through I can leave anytime." He said. You grinned widely but tilted your head as he only pocketed his hands and looked away. You walked up and carefully took his arm "Hey" you said softly "What's wrong?" You asked. He scoffed and pulled his arm from your grasp "Nothing." He said. You rolled your eyes "Loki" you warned "The least you can do is lie a little better than that." You teased.

He walked over to his desk area and sat as you summoned a bubble and sat on it in front of him "Come on." You said. He glanced up at you, holding your stare a moment before sighing and leaning forward with a smirk "Couldn't hide anything from you." He murmured in a casual annoyance.  You giggled and crossed your arms "I feel like a child that's just been ungrounded." He said. You shrugged "I mean you basically are." You said. He pouted as you shrugged "You know what I mean... I had all these basic freedoms before, the freedom to explore, and now I'm being... Given them back and I can't help but feel annoyed." He said. You nodded as you stood up "Like you've been given permission for freedom?" You asked.

He looked up at you and let out a soft chuckle as he looked to the side and back "Look who I'm talking to." He said jokingly. You giggled as he seemed embarrassed about forgetting your time in the Icebox. All those years in there and you were given a pardon on the condition you join the Avengers. You gladly agreed and after a year of fighting with them you were granted your unconditional freedom. You cleared your throat "Yes but unlike you, I didn't kill 200 people." You said. He rolled in his lips and looked down, his hands fidgeted in regret. You had to smile at the progress he made, he felt real regret for the things he's done, you could tell easily after spending so much time with him.

You rolled closer and reached out, resting a hand on his fidgety ones "My point is, you... Messed up. Bad. And you're making strides to get better as a person... The freedom is just The Avengers way of acknowledging how far you've come with us." you said gently. He scoffed, not lifting his head "Yes, I feel very welcomed in the Avengers that continually mock me." he said. You frowned "We all tease each other Loki, its a form of endearment. Kind of like when you used to stab Thor for... What was it last time? He stole your water bottle?" you asked. He chuckled a little "He stole the tea cakes you got for me from Germany" he said, you giggled softly "Pretty stab worthy... Luckily-" you stepped back, grabbing your purse and forming a bubble around yourself. 

You teleported yourself to the bakery and jogged inside "Hallo! Kann ich bitte ein dutzend teekuchen bekommen?" you asked. The baker nodded and grinned at you, throwing the cakes into a box before handing them to you, taking the money from your hand. You waved him off and stepped back outside, bubbling around yourself and teleporting back to Loki's room. You smiled and held out the box "-I know how to get more." you said, he snickered "Five minutes" he said, taking the box "You're getting slow" he walked over to the table and set it down. You rolled your eyes and walked over, hugging him from behind, burying your face into his back with a soft hum.

"You're changing for the better, but you're still you. No permission needed to be yourself."

After the year he's been here, you two couldn't help but grow close, when he got here he somewhat sequestered himself away from everyone. You hadn't even met him until you went on your first mission together. It was over in a second and you somewhat... kidnapped him? Just a quick trip to the ice cream shop for a mission well done, and to give Loki a break from Cap's nagging.

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