Hunger (Cravings Sequal) (MMF Threesome)

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A//N: Read 'Cravings' first, this is a sequal to that!

Warnings: MMF Threesome, m/m relations, blowjobs, cunnilingus, bondage, ownership, mistress, creampie, DP hint, anal fingering

Loki scoffed a little and leaned back gently, "I am not making eyes at Strange" he said, you arched a brow at him. He only rolled his eyes "Loki, it's perfectly fine, I'm not upset... Honestly, I make eyes too, he's very handsome." you admitted. He stared forward before chuckling, a small smirk peaking out of his lips "Alright, alright I... Admit he's handsome, and I admit I'd love to invite him. But I doubt he swings that way." he said, shifting his flat palm side to side. You shrugged slightly "I mean there are ways we can ask, see his dating history or something." you said, reaching out to wrap your arms around his.

He rested his hand on yours "Genuinely, don't worry about it, you are plenty enough for me" he said. You frowned slightly and sat up on your knees "Thats not fair, you made sure I had my fun." you said, reaching out for his cheek. He rested into your hand, closing his eyes as you stroked his face with your thumb "Really darling, we'll try some other route" he said, kissing your head. You smiled and yawned as he chuckled softly, pulling back and brushing the hair out of your face "Lets get some rest" he whispered.

--3 Months Later--

You brushed your hair back with a huff and small limp, the last mission knocked the crap out of you, and Loki with his healing magic was over in Bolivia on another mission until at least tonight. You knocked on the lab door with a groan before entering, Bruce, Tony, and Strange turned around "(Y/N) what happened?" Bruce asked. You arched a brow "I'm an Avenger? It comes with the territory" you said as Strange walked over and assisted you to a table. You groaned as you sat up, peeling down your uniform to the wound "Strange, wonderful to see you here in the nick of time." you said with a wink. Strange chuckled and looked down at your wound "Knife wound?" he asked, you nodded "You know you're supposed to leave those in." he said.

You shrugged your opposite shoulder as he began cleaning it "I know but I had to return it to its rightful owner." you said. He chuckled and sat up as Bruce handed him some suture tools "That was nice of you." you chuckled and winced "I try" you said. Strange worked quickly and effectively, sewing up your wound like new "I appreciate what you're doing here with my wound but why are you here?" you asked. He sighed "The other sanctum's portal opened up and-" "-Don't tell me. You're snowed out again?" you asked, he groaned in annoyance "The entire sanctum, my room included, and Wong wants to teach two students a lesson so they're working on it." he said.

You winced "Sorry about that man" you said, he shrugged "Its alright, at least I finally got you out of that top." he teased. You blushed as Tony tutted "Careful, don't want the God Of Mischief hearing that" he said, handing you a drink, you arched a brow "What?" you asked 'Does he know?' you thought. Tony arched a brow "You'd have to be blind to not see Rock of Ages has a thing for you." he said, Bruce only scoffed as he removed the bloody rags "Despite him not having a chance." he murmured. You made a face at him "Bruce" you said warningly, he held up his hands "I'm just saying, if he comes anywhere near you Hulk may react poorly." he said. You frowned at him "Why would Hulk care? I'm not his sister. Shouldn't you be the one defending me, or do you think you can't take him?" you asked.

Bruce rolled his eyes and crossed his arms "Don't be a smartass, (Y/N) just let me know if he bothers you." he said. You glared, wincing slightly as Strange finished patching your wound "You know, Loki is actually really nice to me, he's always got my back in the field and he doesn't treat me like glass. If you actually gave him a chance, maybe you'd see what I see." you said. Bruce arched a brow "I don't know if I-" "-Bruce would you please stop antagonizing my patient." Strange finally said.

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