Silence In Screaming (Dirty Talk)

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A//N: This is a sequel to quiet in the library, if you want context read that first! Also guys thanks again for 1.2K reads I'm glad you guys like the stories! However, there will be a small two-week break because things are gonna get crazy at my IRL job, I'm in the final stretch of She Burns, and I want to figure out how long I want this one to be. So small break but I will be writing during this (It's gonna be the only thing keeping me sane T.T) I'm also starting publishing another announcement after this concerning my Yes Ma'am Series and this one shot.


The wooden dummy shattered into a thousand pieces, one of which you kicked in frustration. Tony sighed and wrote something down "Alright, let's try a different frequency." he said, adjusting something on his tablet. The metal brace around your neck beeped as it was being changed for the fiftieth time, you stared off at nothing as you wordlessly switched out the dummy. You grabbed a nearby broom as Banner came over the intercom "(Y/N) we're ready for another round" he said. You shook your head and continued sweeping, just need a minute before you continued, Loki was off on a mission and when he didn't need guarding, you were here.

You appreciated what they were trying to do, and you did ask them to help but it was starting to feel hopeless that you'd ever find some solution. It was waring you down. In more ways than one.

--2 Weeks Ago--

You rubbed your temples as Loki stood across from you, brows scrunched in anger "You can't just give up" he said. You shook your head, holding up your hands weakly "Loki we've been trying to find a solution for 2 years and we have no progress to show for it. I'm tired of pretending I have a chance" you signed. He bent over slightly, moving his hands as well "I know you're tired but that doesn't mean you should give up, if you want a shot at something you want-" you clapped to cut him off and began moving your hands quickly "There's plenty of things I want and can't have Loki! I want to talk, I want us to act like a normal couple, I want to remember who I am! But right now, more than anything I just want to stop pretending that I'm gonna be okay!" you spelled venomously.

He stared for a moment, lips pressed in as he wasn't sure what to do as you cradled your head, sobbing wordlessly. He knelt in front of you "I want those things for you too, (Y/N), for us. But... You've come so far you can't-" you stood, getting frustrated "You're not even listening to me. It's done. I give up." you signed before storming out. He chased after you a moment before grabbing your wrist "Can we just talk about this?" he asked as you snapped your hand back, storming off without another word.

You set the broom against the wall with a huff before turning back around, you felt bad for leaving it like you did before he went off on a mission but you were frustrated and overwhelmed. Right now you were figuring out how to tell Tony and Bruce you were giving up, they were the ones who worked harder on this than anyone. You walked up to the dummy and pocketed your hands lazily "Okay, ready and... Go." Bruce said.


The dummy pushed back against the wall, you huffed and looked down "Alright, new frequency... maybe a new word?" Tony said. You rolled your eyes and walked over to a nearby bench, sitting down and clutching your head as a small migraine began forming as well as tears, it often did during these sessions. A few moments later and the door opened, Tony approached you and knelt down "Alright kid, what's the problem?" he asked. You moved your arms to reveal teary tired eyes "I feel like I'm wasting everyone's time" Friday translated your hand movements. Tony scoffed and moved so he sat beside you "Either you'd be wasting my time or I'd be wasting it myself, and I'd rather it be a friend" he said. You chuckled a little, the soundwaves made the dummy move again so you stopped and pressed your lips in.

Tony glanced over then rubbed your back "I know these can be a lot... and if you want to take a break from the sessions that's fine" he said. You looked over, debating what to tell him before you nodded, a break before deciding wouldn't be such a bad thing...

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