Beach Day Debt (Pool Smut)

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Nat tossed you the shopping bag over the door "Here, this one" she said, you grabbed it and glanced in the bag. Your face flushed "Nat Jesus I'm barely gonna be covered!" you exclaimed, holding up the swimsuit, she laughed from the other side of the stall "Should have thought about that before you said 'Oh I can lift Thor's hammer now problem, wanna bet?'." she said. You frowned "How was I supposed to know he had a judgemental hammer!?" you exclaimed before beginning to change as Wanda laughed "You just have to walk out in it, (Y/N) we got you a cover after the strut. Just come out when you're ready," she said before you heard the two shuffle out.

You huffed and held up the swimsuit, truth be told it was cute you were just... shy. You guys were at a portion of beach Tony owned for a much-needed vacation, all of the Avengers were there, it was a miracle you were even able to put this together. You got changed begrudgingly and crossed your arms "There's so much of me" you murmured in annoyance and sighed, gathering up your items before walking out of the changing room.

--Loki's POV--

I rested back on the lounge chair under a wide umbrella with Banner beside me and Thor in front of me, babbling about some game he wanted to play. I huffed "I came here to relax... Also because you forced me to." I said, referring to them requiring me to need a babysitter and since they were all coming here. Bruce shook his head "I'm good thanks" he said, waving his hand, just then Natasha and Wanda walked up beside us, both women eyed by Thor and Bruce as I had only glanced.

Natasha hit my shoulder, making me look up at her "Remember that favor I owe you? We're even." she said simply then pointed to the changing rooms. I arched a brow "What?" I asked then looked over at the rooms before looking back at her, but she'd already walked away. I looked up at Thor who only shrugged, so I looked back at the changing rooms, a moment or so later out walked (Y/N) and I suddenly understood what the spy was saying.

 I looked up at Thor who only shrugged, so I looked back at the changing rooms, a moment or so later out walked (Y/N) and I suddenly understood what the spy was saying

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She walked out, somewhat hissing at the hot sand around the room, she was distracted which worked well for me because I couldn't be bothered to peel my eyes off her. Her jumping around only intensifying my stares "Ah" Bruce said as if in realization as to what Nat meant then chuckled. Thor laughed a little then looked at me as I outright stared at the woman I had only pictured dress like that for two years "Try not to burn holes in the poor girl, brother" he said, snapping me out of my gaze. I turned and huffed, crossing my legs to avoid any... tension, then looked up at Thor "Not a word." I said.

Thor zipped his lips, tossing the ball around a bit "I will say that vacations are for romance, perhaps you and her could talk at the party tonight?" he asked. I shook my head, grabbing a book from the bag "There will be no talking. I've told you before it wouldn't work." I said curtly. Bruce arched a brow "Why not though?" he asked, I sighed "Because-" I stopped realizing she was within earshot. I stared at my book, not reading it, stealing glances at her perfect legs.

--Your POV--

You approached Thor, Bruce, and Loki who only read his book as Thor and Bruce smiled at you "Too revealing?" you asked shyly. Thor laughed a bit then glanced at Loki "Are you asking me to check you twice?" he asked, you blushed badly "Th-Thor" you said shyly, rubbing the back of your head. He chuckled and rested a hand on your shoulder "Relax, you look radiant, it's nice to see you out of your lab clothes." he said then tossed you a volleyball "Game?" he asked. You thought a bit then nodded "Yeah, let's go" you said, following him to the net where the others were set up. You felt eyes on you the whole way over and during the game.

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