The Wager (Domestic Loki Fluff)

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Your face rested against your laced fingers as you stared across from the god of mischief, he only stared back with a smirk as he leaned back in his chair, elbow propped nonchalantly over the back. You pressed in your lips then glanced down at the contents on the table between you before glancing back up, deducing him with your eyes. You inhaled, resting your still laced fingers on the table "Last chance Loki." you warned, joining in his smug grin "I am quite confident my dear" he leaned forward, crossing his arms on the edge of the table.

You glanced down one more time before back up, you absolutely had him now.

"Is your person Frans?"


You clapped as he cursed and hit the table lightly, the cheap plastic game rattling with his movements. He sighed and conjured a knife "Just promise me you'll take care of it." he said, handing it to you by the blade so the handle was to you. You took it gladly and smirked "I will, you know I will," you said before conjuring it back to your pocket universe, he began resetting the board as the rain pounded on the window beside you two. It was a rainy day at the compound and everyone was gone, you got back from your mission yesterday and Loki got home a few hours ago. 

It was a lovely stormy afternoon and you two decided to break out a game and bet each other things. Like you won the knife but you also had to go to the city and pick him up some things. He shuffled around people in the deck then froze before smirking up at you "I'd like to bet on something a tad different." he said, setting down the deck. You arched a brow as you tilted the trays, resetting the heads back upright "What?" you asked, he stared a moment.

"A date. Tomorrow night."

You froze and looked up at him, drinking in your reaction to the request "Are you asking me out?" you asked, genuinely shocked. He shook his head "If I ask, you can turn me down, I want to win it." he said, tapping the table, you arched a brow "Thanks?" you said sarcastically. You eyed him a moment, you never really thought about him like that... Yeah, you stared like a horny school girl when he first arrived but you grew close with Loki. He was really nice, (to you specifically) caring on missions and he opened up to you more than anyone else. You suspected it was because your magic was similar, but now you had other thoughts.

You eyed the god as you thought, he watched you curiously but patiently, not pressuring but his foot was tapping but you knew that was a nervous habit of his...

He's nervous?

You shrugged "You know what? Sure," you said with a smile 'What the hell' you thought as he smirked "Excellent," he said then reset his board with gusto.

"Does your person have blue eyes?"

"No. Does your person have hair?"

20 minutes later and he had it down to two suspects, he stared at you intently as his thumbs twiddled in his lap. He looked really serious about this game. He glanced up although his head didn't move, his grin spread widely and you felt your stomach do a flip.

"Is your person Anne?"


--The Next Day--

You glanced at the list again, it still made you giggle

-A wine you enjoy (Not chardonnay, sorry love)

-A desert

-A 'red plaid' blanket

'How specific yet not' you thought then glanced at the bag, you'd found everything and even found a blanket per his request. You were surprised he asked for a dessert because he didn't care for the sweets here, it was way too sweet, he was used to grapes. You smirked with pride before turning to the mirror, you eyed yourself in shorts and a t-shirt, Loki had stated something comfortable. You were curious as to what was happening especially since he can't leave the compound until the trial period was up.

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