Not-So-Platonically (Platonically Sequal)(Desire smut)

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Your fingers wouldn't stop fidgeting with the pillow case as it sat in your lap. Your eyes were lost in the movie playing on the TV, but your mind was elsewhere. Your phone buzzed, causing your head to snap over to it. You grabbed it and looked at the notification:

Loki: 'Won't be coming tonight, early mission tomorrow.'

You frowned but nodded 'Understandable, be safe and bring me some chocolate if you're going to Germany!' you texted before setting down your phone. Your words were fine but you had a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. It only seemed to get worse the more time you two spent together.

You'd had your little 'arrangement' for a few months now, almost every night he'd come and you two would snuggle. It's been nice actually, having someone there in the physical sense aside, you two would spend so much time just talking about your feelings, dreams, memories, anything really.

However, this was the fifth time in as many days Loki's cancelled coming to see you. You barely saw him around the premises either, in the labs for test he was always on time but he would find some excuse to leave before you did.

You shook your head and wiped your eyes "It's only been five days..." You murmured "You knew what this was when it started anyway, don't be clingy." You told yourself. As you two grew closer your feelings for the man only increased, it didn't help that Loki (Because of his powers) probably already knew.

You groaned, running your hand through your hair "I'm gonna make a snack and try to sleep." You said then stood. You blushed at your nightie, admittedly you got some shorter pajamas when you two started this to somewhat tease him. However, they didn't seem Todo anything for you, he had no reaction.

You walked out of your room into the dark hall, it was probably about midnight now. No one should be awake. You crossed your arms as your mind swirled 'For all I know he could just be getting sick of what we do... It's possible, I do... Bother him a lot. Either for the cuddles, lab tests, and genuine friendship.' you thought.

Your mind raced so much you didn't even notice almost bumping into Thor, who stepped back and smiled "Evening" he said. You smiled, brushing some hair away "Evening Thor, how are you?" You asked. He held up a plate "About to be better, I have a mission tomorrow so I'm about to sleep" he said.

You chuckled at the absurd amount of food on his plate "So this is a midnight snack?" You asked. He shrugged "A light one" he said, you giggled "Well you should take after your brother and get some sleep before the mission tomorrow." You said. He arched a brow "The mission tomorrow is just me, Lady (Y/N), Loki is staying home tomorrow." He said.

You arched a brow "Oh... I.... Guess I misheard him." You said, looking to the side as you mentally reread his message. Thor tilted his head "Are you alright?" He asked, you huffed "Yeah, just hungry, get some sleep Earth's mightiest." You teased. He nodded "Goodnight" he said before walking off.

You stood there a moment before pushing yourself into the kitchen.

Why would Loki lie?

You pulled out a pot, filling it with water.

Maybe he just wanted some alone time?

You set it on the stove, cranking the dial to let it start heating up. You crossed your arms as you watched the pot, millions of excuses swirling in your head.

You examined the uniform that hugged every curve of yours "Okay, ready for the moment of truth?" Tony asked. You nodded with a huge grin "No but yes" you answered, he nodded and glanced over at Steve who gave a thumbs up. He was ready to separate you two if needed.

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