Punishment (Prof/Student)

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Warning: Contains smut, forceful intercourse, student/teacher play, blackmail play, @geplay, teasing, spanking, humiliation

You tugged the coat more around yourself, eying the students as they began exiting down the steps, only standing and proceeding when everyone around you had gone. You lagged slightly behind everyone on purpose as your eyes were drawn to your main objective:

Professor Laufeyson.

Or rather his back, as he cleared off his board from the lesson you almost slept through waiting until the end when you could see him personally. You watched the students slowly leave, you walked to the door as though you were going to then closed the door behind them, locking it slowly and quietly.

"I'm not doing any after-class help today, I have an important luncheon."

You turned, gnawing at your lip nervously as you turned and skipped over, carefully removing the thick coat to reveal your scantily dressed body. The red plaid skirt, the tied half-buttoned shirt, the works.

You set the jacket on his desk "but, you wanted to see me, Mr. Laufeyson?" you said in a high-pitched voice to get his attention. He shuddered at the sound of your voice and turned with a wide smile as he eyed you up and down slowly. He laughed a bit and set his eraser down, you were finally able to drink in his attire. Tightly fit grey button-up, rolled to the sleeves with a red tie and black pants; Your favorite.

He tucked in his lips as he looked at you "Hmm... Yes I needed to see you about your behavior un class, little one." He said, removing his glasses.

You bit back a smile as he set them down on the desk, walking around it to stand in front of you "You seem to have quite the reputation around here. I've heard tales from the students about you," he said. He tilted his head "Or atleast the favors you offer for other teachers." he said, making your face burn with flush "M-Mr. Laufeyson..." you trailed off shyly. He held up his hand "Don't pretend... You've been a wanton slut to make up for your shoddy behavior and grades and I'll not stand for it any longer..." he trailed off, now standing in front of you.

"Perhaps a punishment is the thing to get you on the right track."

You twiddled your skirt nervously "Punishment sir?" you asked, he nodded, leaning his hands back onto the desk. He tilted his head at you then nudged his head "Yes... Lift up that skirt of yours." he said, you froze up "M-Mr. Laufeyson I-" "I said lift it, Ms (Y/N)" he said deeply. You shivered at his tone involuntarily, his voice always had that effect on you, and you obeyed silently, pulling up the bottoms to reveal your bare cunt.

He shivered, his eyes darkening with lust "As I suspected-Nothing. You get ready for your day expecting to get fucked?" he asked darkly. You bit your lip shyly and looked down "Come." he barked, you jumped at his sudden command and walked right up to him almost out of your control. He inhaled then reached his hand down, cupping your drenched pussy with his cold, strong hand and gasped softly. He chuckled, softly massaging you with his fingers but never entering a single digit as you whimpered breathlessly and squirmed "Just as I thought, you're dripping wet." he growled out.

You panted and moaned "Please Loki-" "Mr. Laufeyson." he corrected harshly, curling a finger inside you. You gasped and moaned "Please sir, I'll take whatever punishment you seem fit for me" you said, he smirked "Of course you will, harlot" he said before standing upright. He removed his hand from you to your dismay, then pushed you into his desk, you yelped and caught your palms on the desk. In an almost too-swift motion he lifted your skirt to reveal your bare ass to the cold air of the classroom. He forced your chest down to the desk and reached his hand down, gripping the underside of your asscheek roughly "Count, and if you lose track I'll double the amount" he said.

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