Slow And Steady (First Time)

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Warnings: Thanks for 1000 reads! I'm glad you guys like what I'm putting out I'd like to remind you guys that requests are open! I just finished my first request and I'll be publishing it in a few weeks. Thanks again guys!

You tightened the string on your violin carefully until it sounded just right to the pluck before you moved on to the next string, carefully tuning it as your Father stood over your shoulder with a smile "Very good, see? You need not my assistance." he said as you smiled. You sat upright and looked up at him "Thank you Father" you said as he chuckled and tousled your hair "Go on, return it to Prince Loki" he said. You blushed "F-Father." you said shyly, as he laughed, knowing you had a crush on the god "Go on child," he said with a gesture as you packed up his violin. Loki had commissioned Bragi, your father and God of Music, to restring his violin as he always had, but this time your father let you do it.

You packed up the instrument before leaving on horseback to the palace, you'd known the royal family their whole life, as a god yourself. They were like a second family to you at this point, Odin had always protected the house of Bragi since your Mother passed. You saddled your horse at the stable and instead of going to the palace you headed to the garden, it was afternoon on a lovely day, it was no mystery to you where Loki was.

You made your way through the garden until you got to the center where there was a bench and sat down with the instrument case in your hand. You waited patiently for about ten minutes before Loki rounded the corner with a huff, he stopped seeing you, his annoyed expression melted into a happy grin "Lady (Y/N)" he said simply. You smiled and stood "Good afternoon my prince," you said, he only chuckled "I'm not with anyone," he said as he approached you, he gently took your hand and kissed it.

You blushed but smiled "Alright then, mischief-maker" you teased with a small curtsey then handed him the violin case. He set it down on the bench, he knelt and opened it properly "Oh beautiful" he murmured, tracing his fingers along the strings. He removed his helmet, giving it to you to hold as he pulled it out "I assume you strung this one?" he asked, you nodded, beaming a proud smile "Yeah, Father didn't need to help me at all" you said proudly. He smiled back then looked at it "Let's see how she plays" he said simply then positioned the violin on his shoulder. He looked at you for a moment as though he was waiting for you to do something "Oh" you said then sat down, with his helmet in your hands.

He nodded and smiled before carefully beginning to play:

You nodded your head along to the jaunty tune gently as he swayed, letting the music just flow out of the instrument, you could have sat there listening to him for hours, and you have before. On bad days in the palace, he'd usually retreat to his room and play, sometimes you'd join him and listen to songs he'd learned in other realms, some he'd written, you just enjoyed listening to him play, he was very talented. The idea of joining him in these jaunts had occurred to you, several times in fact, since he played so merrily you didn't want to interrupt.

HE pulled the bow away with a smile "As heavenly as always" he said with a wink, you giggled and clapped for him, he bowed jokingly for you. He walked over and knelt by the case you sat next to "Perhaps I should start requesting you personally" he said, you rolled your eyes "Don't you dare start that now" you joked. He arched a brow at you as he shut the case "What? My only implication is that you are excellent with an instrument." he said then moved the case and took its place by your side. He gently took your hand as you smiled shyly "We really should stop meeting like this though." he said, kissing your hand as you glanced around "In the garden? I like it here." You said.

He chuckled, stroking your hand with his thumb, holding it firmly in his "I mean I only see you when you drop off my instruments now, I miss seeing you around the palace." he said. You nodded and crossed your arms, you'd stopped coming to the castle after appearing during a bridal selection. Seeing Loki scan over women, although he rejected them all, was still hurtful. All gods, beautiful maidens the lot, and you couldn't measure up to a single one of them, you'd be sent to one tomorrow, for Thor knowing your father, though you knew Thor couldn't choose you.

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