Weightless Desperation (Hallow-Smut!)

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A//N: Sorry about that fat-finger publish the other day, I was trying to save it! Sorry about all the publishes but I also wanted to add:

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700 READS! I'm excited for this I do want to tell you I have several chapters planned (Yes, including more Sub! Loki don't worry) that I'm anticipating showing you guys! Love you!

Warning: Teasing, rough sex, blowjobs, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, hair pulling, choking, bondage, cunt slapping

Lokis POV

I stood beside Thor, looking across the room as Fury walked in with a woman, she wore simple Midgardian clothes, some tight clinging black pants, and a shirt with a picture of a kitten in a ghost costume. She smiled kindly at everyone "It'll be nice working with you all" she said.

She felt it truly as well, she was excited and ready to work with us for some reason.

As they spoke my eyes continued to dance on her curves, it was rare a Midgardian actually interested me, never mind the capabilities Fury was rambling about. I've never found myself eying a woman with no regard as to who was watching, normally I was more collected, but something ABOUT this woman was enticing me to keep looking.

She turned for a moment, picking up something she dropped and- Oh my there it was, a perfectly round and plump rear. I pressed in my lips as she stood and turned, her eyes met mine directly, catching me red-handed.

While she looked directly at me, she smirked and winked at me. I smirked back, certainly, that was not expected but very welcomed. She carefully lowered her hand down to the brim of her shirt teasingly lining it, letting it slide so gently up and up. I glanced around at the other Avengers, they did not notice my private show. She gently crossed her arms, staring directly at me now. I feel myself grow warm, this woman was teasing me easily, or had I been misreading her signals?

Her hands grabbed the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting her shirt up and up, my pants tightening the more of her soft skin she blessed me to see. I pressed in my lips as I watched, just catching the site of her under breasts before-


I snapped my head over to Steve "I said, can you show (Y/N) to her room, or do you intend to keep staring?" He asked. I arched a brow and glanced back, she stood simply there, her shirt pulled down as though it never moved before. I cleared my throat "I suppose I can be bothered." I said, wondering how I'd let my mind wander so grossly.

She grabbed her bag and smiled at me as I walked over "Shall we?" She asked, lacing her arm with my elbow. I blinked at her forward nature before glancing back at my brother who only seemed to give me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and continued watching, still holding the maiden on my arm.

We walked down the hall silently, the tension was thick as I tried to calm my daydreams. It was hard with her so close to me, holding onto my arm...

Why was I still holding her arm anyway?

Repressed princely manners?

Or the need to just touch this woman?


I finally turned my head over to her only to be met by lips smashing into mine. My back pressed against the wall as this firey display of affection caught me off guard. I tried to recover and place my hands on her waist when-

"Hey! Are you okay?"

I blinked and found myself against the wall still but she stood away, looking increasingly worried. I straightened myself up and cleared my throat "Please excuse me, I'm not well" I said, touching my forehead. She stepped over and tilted her head before her hand reached out to touch my forehead. I ducked so she couldn't feel my flush and turned, her hand moved until she touched the door I had apparently been leaning on "I assume this is mine?" She asked.

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