Overwhelmed (Overstimulation)

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Warnings: Rough sex, man-handling, overstimulation, body worship, cunnilingus, anal, intercourse, clone sex, pandemic talk, (Possible) body dysmorphia message?

You sat cross-legged on your bed as you tapped away at your computer, working some pre-built information USB hackers. Basically USB drive that does a hacker's job for them so they don't have to be at the mission sight, it worked well especially for now. They still have missions to carry out even during a pandemic. They were minimizing people and you had to be kept home for necessity, also you were immunocompromised so you had to stay home either way. 

You didn't mind it, for the most part, you did miss leaving the compound whenever you wanted but these were the precautions you had to take with this. Even Loki was being more careful, the last thing he wanted to do was get his 'Fragile' Midgardian girlfriend sick. 

Speaking of.

You glanced up hearing the door open "Surprise" he said as he entered, shutting the door quickly behind him. You smiled "You're home early," you said nervously sitting upward, he nodded and groaned, stripping off his armor "We managed to wrap up early and I teleported us home. I'm going to shower real quick." he said. You stared at Loki as he took off his armor, piece by piece slowly revealing that godly body, drinking in his perfect form. 

He was very well toned with all the training and the V you adored was barely poking out of the top of his boxer shorts. As he palmed the outfit he chose, he glanced up catching you eying him slowly up and down then eyed you. You sat with your laptop perched on your thick thighs,  a baggy blue sweater seemed to be all that stood between him and the rest of you. Your blue light glasses rested on your cute nose as your hair was your messy natural bedhead, you were in full work mode and he loved it.

He cleared his throat, tossing the clothes on the bed which broke your attention "Although I could always belay that a bit longer" he said, walking over to you and leaning down, cupping your cheek. You blushed and bit your lip "Sorry" you said, knowing he caught you red-handed "Don't worry, I rather like catching you looking at me." he said. He traced his thumb along your cheek with a smirk "I think I'll skip the cleansing" he said before going to lean in. You shook your head and pushed his face back "I think not, go shower" you snapped, he groaned in annoyance and walked over to the bathroom. 

You giggled a little as he pouted before saving your work, you closed the laptop and stood, figuring you'd shower after him. You walked over to the dresser to pull out clothes when you stopped, catching a look at yourself in the mirror. Your thighs delved with bumps and duvets, little beauty marks, and stretch marks. You huffed as you continued to examine and pick apart every little thing as you did almost every day. COVID made your depression worse, nevermind what not going out also probably did to you, and it was hard being alone so often because everyone was going out and about during missions. Most of them (Steve, Thor, Bruce, Bucky, Loki, and Wanda) couldn't get sick but could still bring home germs to the others

So unfortunately you were alone with some not-so-nice thoughts.

You jumped hearing the bathroom door shut and looked up, smiling as Loki jogged over to the dresser with a towel wrapped around his waist, grabbing the clothes he pulled out "Admiring yourself?" he asked with a wink. You scoffed a little with a smile and turned, going through the dresser and pulling out some clothes for yourself. In the mirror, you could see Loki narrow his eyes at you, dropping his clothes onto a nearby chair before he walked up to you "What was that?" he asked. You looked up, accidentally catching a glimpse of yourself, so you looked back down "What was what?" you asked, laying out his clothes. 

His chest hit your back before his hand reached around you, cupping your chin and pushing up until your eyes met his angry ones in the mirror. You frowned wondering why he was upset "What?" you asked, annoyed "That. The little scoff you made." he said. You shrugged "I don't know? A laugh?" you crossed your arms, trying to look down but he held you firmly "What is there to laugh at?" he asked. You rolled your eyes and sighed "Loki, look I'm really not-" you gasped a little as he applied a bit of pressure to your chin to make you look up again "I see nothing to laugh at" he said. 

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