I Own You Now (LokiXTransFemReader)

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A/N: This fic contains MXTF Content (MaleXTrans!Female) (Pre-op) as I wanted to make something based on an... Ah-hem audio I found and also I wanted to try and post something inclusive so here we are! I tried to be as accurate as possible and I appreciate you guys reading also sorry it's a long boy I put a lot of time and thought into this. (And cranked it out in a day #humblebrag)

Smut Warning:

Blackmail, feminization, crossdressing, nipple play, language, blow job, fingering, rimming, gender euphoria, ddlg play, and master/slave play.

You groaned and picked up some of the books on the floor by Loki's bed, placing them back on the bookshelf "Do you just leave these scattered so I have to pick them up" you said as you shelved the last book. He shrugged innocently, his elbows propped on the armchair and his legs crossed, not tearing his attention away from his current book "Perhaps I do it to watch you bend over pet" he said. You shivered at the nickname "Loki god damn it this is hard enough as is can you please back off with the nicknames?" you asked as you walked over to his bed, beginning to pull off his bedsheets.

He only chuckled "You're my slave I'll call you what I damn well please," he said, looking up to only wink at you and go back to his book. You glared at the god for a moment before going back to taking off his bedsheets and blankets, shoving them unceremoniously into the hamper. You stood up, hands crossed over your well-toned chest "Anything else?" you asked, but Loki ignored you, continuing to read his book, to which you sighed "Anything else my king?" you asked. He looked up with a smirk "Thats better... No, that'll be all for now." he said then turned the page, looking back down.

You picked up the hamper and walked out of the room "I'll be in my room then" you said then turned to leave "Trying on a new outfit? Perhaps a dress?" you flushed but continued to leave the room. 'Arrogant spoiled prick!' you thought 'This is what I get...' you continued to the laundry room as you remembered what brought you here

--2 Weeks Ago--

You adjusted the stockings on your legs, they were black and seemed to stop at your knees "The damn thing said thigh highs... Still cute though I guess." you murmured, looking at yourself in the mirror. You wore a white frilly tank top, a rosey bra underneath, and short shorts, some generic clothes you picked up from a clothing store 'for your girlfriend' the other day. It was one of a few outfits you'd collected over the past year for yourself, a nice summertime calm outfit that hadn't seen the light of day. You stared at yourself with a smile, it had been a while since you were able to be yourself from this with all the missions the Avengers were sending you on.

They brought you on originally due to your powers but after 3 years you were a huge part of the team, and that team got bigger 2 years ago when Loki joined. With everything going on you had no time to be yourself and days like this were sorely needed, the dysphoria was building up like a cloud looming over your head and that trapped feeling was always there.

Except when you were like this.

You'd never shown anyone this, normally when you dressed up you took pictures for yourself and stayed in your room, reading or playing games. Just be yourself to the utmost regard. Much like today, you walked over to the bed and sat on top, turning on the TV to a show, and pulled out your stack of paperwork. You began working when you heard something coming from your desk, like a hissing sound?

You stood up and walked over, moving things around until you opened up a drawer and jumped spotting a snake in your drawer, it stood up and hissed at you angrily. You jumped back "Shit!" You exclaimed in surprise, falling flat on your behind as the snake stood, hissing for a moment then stopped. You two stared at each other a moment as you tried to back up to atleast your bathroom. As you began to back away the snake slithered out, falling onto the floor with an uncaring this, inching over to you. You gasped and continued scooting back as it approached you, you looked around as you moved to try to find a weapon. You grabbed a nearby lamp then turned to smack the snake when it was caught... by a hand?

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