Beg (Sub! Loki)

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A//N: 993 reads! This'll definitely put it over that threshold so keep an eye out for a celebratory extra smut shortly after this! (Hopefully)

The baggy grey sweater had one shoulder poking out, your fist was balled up on your hip while the other rested on the door frame inches from Loki's hand. His rested on the doorframe as well but instead of him matching you with a fist on your hip, it rested on his side where blood seeped out between his fingers. Even so, he grinned at you in a devilish fashion while you stared at him unamused.

"Loki" you said warningly

"This is the third time you've come to me this week"

You were the healer, the white mage, the priest, what have you.

The one with healing powers.

Yours had a small side effect.

One that the God Of Mischief appeared to be chasing.

Or was it how you helped 'relieve' the side effect?

You couldn't tell.

He chuckled a little "Yes and I can understand how suspicious this looks, however, I will start off by saying that I am genuinely in pain" he said. You scanned him up and down, he was in uniform and seemed haggard, he was trying to play it cool but he was pretty seriously hurt, you could tell. Your eyes trailed back up to his smirk, he was clearly chasing the after-effects right now, but he did also genuinely need help.

It was the first serious wound he came to you for since the first time he came to you three weeks ago "The side effects of my power can be a bit much, even for a god, and the greater the wound the bigger the effect hits people-" he scoffed "Woman this isn't some practice wound, this is real now do your damn job!" he exclaimed. The two of you switched expressions, your concerned face turned into a devilish smirk, his devilish smirk turned concerned.

He knew he fucked up.

"Ah well since you asked so nicely"

You slammed the door in his face and walked back to the bed, you laid down and crossed your legs, grabbing a book as Loki knocked.

"Very funny (Y/N) now come heal me."

"Try again"

He groaned in annoyance

"I'm sorry now come heal me"


He stepped in, slamming the door behind him "Enough games" he said angrily, still holding his side "Heal me." he demanded. You looked up at him with a smirk "Admit you have a problem" you said, he glared, leaning over you, still holding his wound "I do have a problem, there's a stab wound in my side." he said. You rolled your eyes and looked back at your book, which he took and threw "What do you want woman?!" he exclaimed, getting annoyed.

You glared then smirked and eyed him up at down "Beg" you said, his icy stare had been drained of any humor or mischief, there was a gleam of something else in his eye "Excuse me?" he asked. You nudged your head at him "Beg me to heal you and I will. While you're at it, work in how you self-inflicted small cuts to come to my room." you said, crossing your arms. He glared at you, seeming to mull over your offer "Clock's ticking" you said, noting his bleeding side, he sighed

"... Please heal me-"




He growled and jumped on top of you, pinning your arms above your head as he straddled your waist "I grow tired of you petulance, little girl" he said. You gasped a little at the initial movements but still smirked "Keep misbehaving and the price goes up my dear prince" you said flirtily. He arched a brow at you, freezing at that, you all the sudden had his attention in a different manner "... What is it?" he asked.

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