Spoiler Alert (Exhibitionism)

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You stared into Loki's eyes as they pierced through you, they always do no matter what the conversation was about. You fussed with your shirt gently as he stared you down "Answer the question, mortal." He said darkly. You huffed and looked down as he slid forward what had to be Asgard's version of an apple. You almost salivated at the sight you've had several and you'd damn near kill for another. You gnawed at your lip, glancing between it and the glare of the god of mischief. The glimmer of the water shined in the glow of the prison walls, giving the apple this ethereal glow that made you utterly weak. You snatched up the apple and took a big bite with a satisfied groan then covered your mouth as you chewed, he leaned forward expectantly. You swallowed and frowned "Jane dumps Thor" you answered, he clapped his hand and pumped his fist in the air "Knew it." He said. You took another bite and shook your head "You're so mean" you said, savoring the taste of the delicious apple.

He chuckled and crossed his arms, leaning them on the table "You could always not take the food." He said. You glared softly and continued to eat "Yeah I tried that, you kept holding out food till I passed out, I tried telling you I disappeared before the second season came out." You said snidely as you stood.

Loki chuckled "Ah, yes, apologies, had to be sure you were telling the truth" he said, you turned and glared "You're the god of lies didn't you know right away if I'm lying" you said, taking another bite of the sweet fruit. He shrugged and stood, crossing his arms "And I had to be sure you weren't going to given the chance." he teased as you eyed the new prisoners. He walked up beside you and leaned over "See them?" he asked, you shook your head "Not yet" you said, still eying the crowd, keeping an eye out for the Dark Elf Spy. He leaned on the wall, lighting up the area around him "Shouldn't you be able to peer into the future and see when this alleged Dark Elf" he said, wiggling his fingers mockingly at you.

You rolled your eyes and looked at him "Its not future sight, I'm not psychic or a seer... I'm just a fan of the movies." you murmured, finishing the apple in your hand. You'd landed on the Bifrost after one too many shots during a marvel marathon with your friends, and unfortunately you woke up with the hangover, but far from home. Once you realized you were in Asgard right before Dark World, you tried to warn Odin. All that got you was a V.I.P. spot by the Queen of Asgard himself, Loki, and called a spy yourself. Technically he was your interrogator, but you two grew close over the months you've been in here, even struck up a deal.

Spoilers for food.

You walked over to the tray and peered over it "Anything else you're curious about? I'm still hungry." you said, eying the honey bread. He chuckled and walked over "Just the usual" he said, you sighed and turned "Really? Nothing else beside that?" you asked. He shrugged "Either tell me how I become King or tell me how my Queen looks?" he asked, you blinked then leaned over and took the bread "You have no Queen" you said. He furrowed his brow as you sat down, grabbing the knife to cut the bread into triangles "And why do you jump right to Queen? You could have had a another King by your side..." you winced accidentally causing a small cut on your finger. You shrugged, it didn't bleed, just stung a bit.

He widened his eyes and glanced around as he strode over to you "Would it be a King as well, or would he just be a Prince?" you asked, jumping as he covered your mouth, pushing your back up against the wall. He glanced over to the guard who seemed too busy, locking up the new prisoners, then looked back at you as he knelt. He released your mouth, meeting your eyes "How did you know about that?" he asked, you blinked and glanced around "I... You talked about it with someone in the show." you said. He glanced around again then met your eyes "You'll do well to not mention that again." he said almost darkly.

You shivered and held out your hand "Calm down, Loki, its not that big a deal. Hell, I like men too" you whispered, holding out the bread. He glanced down and sat on the edge of the bed "You do?" he asked, taking the treat gently from your hand. You nodded and nibbled on the warm bread "Yeah, its no biggie" you said with a shrug, he chuckled "Its not a big deal on Asgard dear thing, its just private." he said. You bit your lip and looked down "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about that."you said, laying your legs out. He shrugged and maneuvered himself so his head lay in your lap "Thats alright, that free fortune you were going to give me will make up for it" he said.

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