Platonically (Touch-Starved Fluff)

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Warning: Several references of non-consensual choking.

You rolled your bottom lip between your teeth, staring down at the cup of warm tea in your hand, watching the steam waft arise from the little cup. Your feet were fidgeting against each other, rubbing slightly hard in a desperate attempt to relieve your anxiety. You looked up, looking through the glass meeting room doors, straight at the small group that had formed outside. Natasha Romanoff, a beautiful agent was standing in front of the only door, whether to keep anyone out or you inside is unclear. She stared across the room at Bruce who was examining Steve Roger's cognitive state, making his eyes follow a light.

Steve cooperated until Bruce turned it off and met your eyes, you blinked and looked down quickly, pressing your legs together, locked in fear, your hands shook as you swallowed dryly. It hurts. It's dry and still sore, so you sipped your drink, meeting your image in the glass table your hands rested on. The coat you wore was old and tattered, you'd been wearing it for years, what hair you had was matted and unkempt. Your neck was still very red from the altercation that happened, it made drinking the tea hard but worth it. It soothed your throat, easing it enough to at least breathe normally again.

Natasha looked back as Steve seemed to keep staring at you, whilst you kept trying not to meet his eyes. She held up a hand to him and walked in, closing the door behind her "Hey" she said then walked around the table to sit at the chair next to you. You turned to her as she rested her elbows on her knees "I'm sorry" she started, you looked up to meet her eyes. She inhaled deeply "I'll admit that I really thought you were lying about your... Condition." she said. You sniffled and nodded "I'm sorry about that..." you whispered "I didn't mean to surprise you with it." you looked back down at your drink. She nodded "Admittedly maybe Steve wasn't the best choice, if I didn't have that taser we could have lost you." she said.

You nodded, gnawing on the side of your lip "Is he okay?" you asked, she nodded "He can do this all day, don't worry about him." she said. She tilted her head, making you look up and meet her eyes again "How long has this been happening?" you inhaled "Four years" you answered "The first reaction happened four years ago.". She nodded "Can you explain?" she asked, going to reach out and touch your hand but stopped herself quickly, almost urgently. You sipped your tea again to alleviate the pain in your throat "I was with my boyfriend... We were in the middle of fooling around when I felt something bite me... I didn't pay it much mind, it hurt less than a fire ant bite." you said.

You held the cup to your lips, not sipping just using the warm cup on your nearly raw lip "But... Halfway through it, he started choking me, I had to hit him with a tire iron he had in the trunk to get him to stop. After that he just started backing away and saying sorry like he wasn't in control." you explained. She nodded "Did you happen to see what it was that bit you?" she asked, you shook your head "No... I just remember it felt like a pinch, I thought it was some tool." you murmured. You sniffled a little, feeling tears pooling at the cracks of your eyes "Everyone kept touching me, and every time they'd just stop at nothing trying to kill me." you explained, finally sipping your tea.

Natasha shook her head "Thats truly awful... Were you thrown out?" you shook your head, stroking your cup with your thumb as you rested it in your lap. You huffed "I mean essentially... I couldn't work, couldn't pay rent, so I ended up on the streets. Turned out to be for the better... People tend to avoid the homeless." you said. She nodded solemnly, lacing her fingers together "Then you heard that the compound was looking for supers?" she asked. You nodded "I figured it was a power of some kind... A shit one, but a power." you said, setting the empty cup on the table.

She leaned back in the chair "You are right, it is a power... But why?" she asked, you shrugged "I figured if anything maybe you've seen something like this?" you asked. She stared for a moment, rolling her lips together "No... Can't say I have." she said, your shoulders dropped as you cursed "No way it could be that easy." you murmured. She slowly crossed her arms as you leaned back in your chair "If you'll let me, I'd like to try and help you" she said then looked up, waving the boys inside. You took a deep breath as they stood and walked over, breathing out as they entered "Mr. Rogers I'm immensely sorry about that, it was completely unprofessional to grab you like that." you said.

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