Naughty Kitten (Hallow-Smut!)

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A//N: This is a sequel to I Own You Now! Read that if you want context. Also-

We're almost at 600 reads... Ya'll need jesus.

Don't worry I do too.

Either way thank you so much! Happy Halloween please remember that requests are open and click on my name to check out my other works!

WARNING: Petplay, blowjobs, dirty language, name-calling, punishment, ddlk talk, choking, collars, anal, check-ins, safeword use, fluff

You glanced between the two boxes you'd been staring at forever and huffed before picking one of the dog collars up, turning it over you winced at the price and set it back down. You pressed in your lips and looked up to see another row before spotting a nice one, and picked it up with a smile "Perfect" you murmured. A sales associate walked up with a smile "Finding everything okay?" she asked, you nodded and held one out "Yeah, I think I'll go with this one" you said.

You were at a specialty dog store getting a collar for... Your 'dog'... and the dog's name is 'Loki's anniversary present'.

You approached the counter "Would you like to add an engraving to the name tag?" she asked, you nodded "Yeah, please, Loki" you said. She nodded and shoved the collar in the machine, she pressed a few buttons then walked back to the counter "Be like five minutes, that'll be 45.39" she said. You nodded and pulled out your wallet "Hey, you're that smart guy with the avengers right? The werewolf?" she asked.

You blinked in annoyance, why did everyone think that?

You sighed "Yes I am (Y/N) the animal shifter," you said with a smile, trying to be polite for a fan. She smirked and grabbed a pen then your hand "Always wanted to date a superhero" she said while scribbling some numbers on your hand. You frowned in annoyance and cleared your throat as she finished "Thank you, but I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate that." you said, resting your hand at your side, mentally noting to wash it off. She looks disgusted for a minute before looking away, staring at the engraving machine as it chipped away at the metal, you stared too.

Five minutes later, as promised, it was done and it looked amazing! She closed the box and shoved it over "Wash my number off when you get a chance" she murmured, you rolled your eyes and took it "Yeah like I wasn't going to do that before" you said before turning "Hope you and your fag boyfriend enjoy hell" she hisses. You stopped and inhaled then exhaled before walking to the door 'Nah, fuck this lady' you thought then turned "Hey!" you exclaimed, getting her attention. You smirked "Does it help that I'm dressed like a chick when we fuck?" you asked before turning, reveling in her 'about to vomit' look.

The past year with Loki put your confidence at an all-time high. You'd have never said that to anyone before but you'd relish the thought, The God Of Mischief was also a man of worship and that's how he's made you feel for 365 days.

You bit back a smile before you cleared your throat "Maybe some of those caramels he likes too and that'll be good" you said, stopping off at a bathroom to wash your hands.

--At The Compound--

You entered your room and quickly shut the door behind you, you grabbed the cute outfit you wanted to wear tonight and tucked it away into the Ganachery bag. You smiled down at the present again, honestly, it looked good with the worn green and brown leather and the gold metal, it was perfect. You glanced up "J.A.R.V.I.S. is Loki back from his mission?" you asked, he chimed "Yes, he's in his room. He's asked me to let him know when you've arrived. Shall I tell him?" he asked. You cursed a little, you were trying to get back before he did so you could surprise him in his room all dressed up.

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