The Right Costume (Hallow-Smut)

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Warnings: King/Maid play, ordering, teasing, cunnilingus, blow job, intercourse

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You glanced into the bag with a flush but a smirk "Perfect" you said quietly before closing it and walking up to your apartment from the mailbox downstairs. You walked into your apartment and set the mail down "Okay, now I just need to set the scene" you said, glancing around your shared apartment with the god of mischief. It was a little dirty, clothing in places it shouldn't, coffee mugs in other places and such but nothing too bad. You began tidying up before you changed, you had plenty of time to make the apartment spotless before he came home.

You and Loki have been together for about two years, living together for one. He was out on a mission but he was coming home today and did you ever have something planned for him. You'd been planning this since way before he left two weeks ago.


You shrugged waiting for Loki to come out "I'm just saying it's okay to spice things up in the bedroom. There are Midgardian toys and costumes you may like that you don't even know about" you called to him. He scoffed "As much as I love that you're thinking of new ways for us to enjoy each other I doubt it, Midgardians are boring... No offense." he said from the bedroom. You rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone, beginning to scroll your phone thinking of how to talk him into trying things out.

You leaned forward on the counter, waiting for Loki to come out for dinner, you wore a dress that was slightly poofed at the skirt and long-sleeved. Loki eventually came out while tying his tie, stopping when he saw you scrolling on your phone slightly bent over for him. He started tying his tie even slower as his head tilted to peek slightly, you caught him as you scrolled but he didn't see you and kept staring. You mentally smirked and tapped your phone a couple more times, getting an idea. This was more than experimenting in the bedroom, he always came home exhausted after a mission and you wanted to show him how much you appreciate him.

--End Flashback--

It took you all of a couple of hours to get things tidied up to perfection, you even lit a couple of candles around the apartment, though none of their scents overpowered the amazing smell coming from the oven. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, so you slipped it out to read a text message that said 'Be home in ten' from Loki, you smirked happily. You glanced at the costume "Okay just gotta get dressed" you said, somewhat nervous yourself, you never wore something like this for a boyfriend. You changed quickly into the costume and smirked knowing Loki would love it, you dug around for it especially for him. You threw on some makeup with colors he liked and set up your hair the way he liked, made everything perfect for him.

It was just the maid outfit and it came with a feather duster and bonnet but you elected not to wear it.

You had a better idea.

You grabbed his helmet and walked over to the kitchen counter, hopping up and placed the helmet on, careful not to hit anything as you did. You posed on the kitchen counter with your legs crossed and your chest arched so your breasts were more pronounced. You sat and waited about five minutes before he opened the door then backed in with his bags before turning "Darling I'm h-" he stopped mid-sentence as he saw you.

You smirked at him "Welcome home, my King" you said as he eyed you up and down, mouth slightly agape "(Y/N), what are you wearing?" he asked although his eyes couldn't look away. You got down and walked over, taking his bags from him and setting them down to the side before you removed his jacket "Just my uniform Master" you said. He watched as you hung it up in the closet "What's this?" he asked in general at the situation as you turned back "Well, I'm your maid Master, I'm here to please you. However you want." you said.

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