Is Shower Sex Technically Also Aftercare? (Quirophilia)

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Yay for 500 reads! Here's one of the ones I had on back order lol resuming Hallowsmut on Saturday.

Warnings: Quirophilia (hand fetish), privacy intrusion, shower play, fingering, finger sucking, anal, nonspecific gendering.

Loki's hand slid down the last inch of the page slowly before finally turning it, tucking the page under the thumb of his left hand. As his eyes scanned the new page his loose fist gently rested in the nook of the spine, his right hand always did reveal how he was feeling about his latest novel. If his hand rested on his knee away from the book he wasn't in any rush to read it, if it rested in the spine he's trying to be quick about turning the page, he wanted more.

It was cute.

Wanda nudged you "You're doing it again" she whispered, you blushed and looked back down at what you were doing "Sorry." you whispered. She giggled as she stirred the food you two were cooking "You should speak to him" she said, gesturing to Loki who sat in the living room reading as the others watched TV. You shook your head "No way in hell" you said, continuing to cut vegetables. She rolled her eyes, crossing her free arm over her stomach "You both just hang out in the tower all day, you could squeeze some make-out time in there." she said, the guys drowned out her words.

You set down the knife and looked at her "There is no way I stand a chance, he's nearly caught me staring at him like twice now," you murmured. It's true, he's looked up as you looked down twice and both times afterward he stared directly at you for what felt like forever, his piercing eyes staring into you. Wanda shrugged "So what you're gonna keep creeping until he does catch you?" she asked, you sighed, scooping up the veggies and dumped them into the pot "Well what do I tell him 'I have a hand fetish'? He'll think I'm a weirdo." you said.

Wanda stirred everything together with a quick 'thanks' and sprinkled more salt in "Again, better than him catching you?" she warned, it wasn't the first time. You'd been catching yourself staring at his hands for a few months now, especially when he did delicate things like reading, cooking, or occasionally he'd play with his knives. You two however seldom talked, however when you cooked he said thank you, he'd grab things off the top shelf for you, and would now and again bring you treats from the countries he went on missions to.

It was little acts like this that made you start feeling for him, he didn't do these things for people in the tower, just you.

But you were scared to say anything because some partners you've had grew uncomfortable with your... Particular taste.

It wasn't wrong or anything, but you were scared to bring it up to anyone you were interested in, especially someone with a reputation as the 'God Of Mischief' himself. You sighed "I'm more inclined to tell him I like him." you said with a scoff "Like who?" you jumped hearing a voice next to you. You looked up to see Loki, a book tucked under his arm, hair freshly shampooed by the smell of mint and bergamot coming off him and his pj's.

You shook your head "No one, no one" you whispered, finishing up the veggies before wiping your hands on your apron. "That just needs to simmer for a bit, do you mind watching it while I go shower?" you slipped the string off the apron and tossed it on the counter. Before Wanda could answer Loki interrupted "Oh I'll walk you to your room I was just going to mine" he said. You looked back at Wanda for help for her to say no so she wasn't alone with him but Wanda only smirked "No problem, enjoy your shower" she said.

'Wanda, how could you?' you thought.

You turned and smiled genuinely at Loki "Oh thank you" you said then walked away with Loki shortly behind you. In the hall he hastened so he was next to you, he now held his book behind him as he walked "How was your last mission?" you asked, crossing your arms. He shrugged "Dull, as always." he said, you smiled a little "Really? Cause I heard about eh Clint getting hit with the eh... What was it, Duck magic?" you asked.

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