Quiet In The Library (Dirty Talk Smut)

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A/N: Thanks for 200 reads! My god this shot up there quickly haha, you horny bastards I'd also like to let you know I have a Loki X Reader story I'm working on and a Tom Hiddleston X Reader I just launched! This one has an intro to explain the character's background mostly but if anyone's curious about the actual story IDK maybe I'll make it one?

Warnings: Dirty talk, like a lot of it, degrading talk, ddlb, oral, anal, rimming, ownership, namecalling

The crowd outside of Stark tower had dwindled down to a few applicants. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose as Thor, Fury and Steve stared out the window, Loki in the room below which looked marked up from all kinds of superhero battles. All of which Loki won.

The Avengers were hiring!

Wanted: Babysitter for the God of Mischief

Loki tossed up his blade looking quite proud of himself, he'd been fighting alongside them for a while but now he was to have new privileges. Like going off base and such but definitely not alone so they needed someone to keep an eye on him so they put out a call to any supers. Surprisingly a few of them actually showed up when most circles spread the word it was a trap.

Steve sighed "The more applicants we go through the more I want to take back my vote," he said, watching Loki look up at the window and gesture them to send in the next applicant. He'd taken joy in not making this easy, whoever 'babysat' him would need to stop him escaping, so he enjoyed unleashing his wrath.

Tony buzzed in the next person as Thor sighed "I keep telling you I can watch him, I don't think any Midgardian is up to this task" he said simply. He held out his hand "No offense" he said then watched as a man walked in, everyone else was dressed as though they were going to work out.

This man wore jeans, Chuck Taylors, wore a baggy purple jacket, and a T-shirt. The Avengers arched a brow as he walked in with a wide smile, Natasha behind him closely "This is (Y/N) (L/N)" she introduced. She looked at the man as he rolled up his sleeves and began moving his hands "It's nice to meet you all" Natasha said.

Thor and Loki both looked confused "What is that?" Thor asked as Loki only observed "Its sign language, it how some humans without speech can communicate" Steve explained. Thor only smiled "Incredible," he said, Fury hit a button "Are you deaf Mr. (L/N)?" he asked, watching Nat who didn't translate.

The man smiled and shook his head before moving his hands again "I can hear perfectly fine sir, I simply cannot speak. May I show you why?" he asked. Fury nodded and gestured Nat to leave and join them as the man turned to the god who smirked "Are we sure we want a mortal who can't even talk?" he asked.

Instead of getting angry, the man only smirked widely.

Loki's smirk didn't fade though, he only summoned his dagger, standing on the opposite side of the arena, he would have fun with him he decided. Once Nat joined them, the main door locked, the other applicants jumped at the sound, but he only stared more intently. He rose his hands again then looked at Nat, pointing to Loki and making hand gestures to explain he wanted to talk to him.

Nat got on the speaker as he began moving his hands "You're the pretty boy who attacked New York right?" he asked "Oh god don't feed his ego" Tony murmured. Loki chuckled "I am that man," he said simply, his smirk turned slightly darker


Nat's translation made Loki falter a bit, he was concerned now. Why?

A buzzer sounded before Loki could even charge forward the man crossed his arms "Kneel" he finally said, sending a visible wave from his mouth. Loki almost collapsed to his knees but he stabbed his daggers into the ground to stop himself, looking back up in surprise. The other Avengers leaned forward against the glass

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