Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Sorry it's a little short, bit of a filler chapter again. Bigger ones coming soon. Flashback things are in italic. Enjoy :) <3

Harry Styles was sat at the breakfast table. His surroundings were fairly unfamiliar to him, he knew that he was at Louis’ place, but if he hadn’t have known that, he would have had no idea as to where he was. He was up absurdly early, for some reason. A pale sunlight filled the apartment through the closed curtains and blinds, and there was the faint smell of cologne in the air, for some reason. Harry would have slept longer, but he was far too hungover to do anything, and plus, even if he could sleep, he’d had to block out the drunken snores that were coming from Louis Tomlinson. Normally, Harry’s hangovers weren’t that bad, but he hadn’t had one as bad as this since his uni days. He sighed once again and rubbed his head for a moment, before looking towards the window again. His eyes were slowly adjusting to the brightness.

He was trying to remember something that happened last night. For some reason, Harry’s gut was telling him that he had done something wrong, but the hangover wasn’t helping to make Harry realise what this was. He knew that he and Lou had been out on the bar crawl, and that they were out till late. He also realised that both boys woke up in the small double bed in their boxers. Had they done something? But then again, Harry had a reputation of getting naked when he was drunk…or sober, for that matter, so he doubted anything would have happened with Louis. Wait, am I seriously thinking that I had sex with Louis? Another man? Harry couldn’t help but think to himself, realising that for a quick second there, he was cool with the idea of having sex with another guy. He wasn’t okay with it now, his inner awkwardness was building within him, and he found himself squirming slightly, trying to distract himself from any thoughts like that. He looked across the room, in an attempt to distract himself. He suddenly found a banana lying in the corner of the room. He would get up and go over to it, but his banging headache was telling him that if he moved, he’d fall over in a dizzy state, so Harry didn’t attempt it. The feeling that he had done something wrong came over him again, and Harry shivered slightly, the bare skin that wasn’t covered by either his black boxers and loose white T-shirt burst into goosebumps. What the hell had he done last night?

The sound of Louis’ feet padding slowly across the laminate floor made Harry look up and at his friend. Louis looked fucking rough, Harry thought to himself as he sent a small smile towards his friends.

“Why the hell are you up this early?” Louis asked suddenly, plodding over to the table and sitting next to Harry, his duvet wrapped around him. He looked like some sort of duvet monster; his eyes were red, showing his lack of sleep, his light brown hair a mess.

“I couldn’t sleep…you kept hogging the duvet…and snoring.” Harry told him, before breaking out into a yawn. Louis smiled a little, before looking over at Harry seriously.

“We need to talk…” Louis started, his voice sounding fairly quiet. Harry looked up at him immediately. He knew that something wasn’t quite right, was Louis going to tell him what had happened?

“I knew something bad had happened, what did I do? Did I get arrested?” Harry asked quickly, and watched as Louis pulled a face.

“Oh God, what did I do? Louis, I can tell by your face…” Harry rambled, and Louis quickly shushed him.

“It’s not something you did, it’s something you said…” Louis said, and Harry looked at him with despair in his green eyes. He knew what was coming, he’d opened his big, drunken mouth about Zayn.

“It sounds like you really like him, Hazz. Why don’t you tell the truth? Maybe he’ll like you back.” Louis asked with a smile.

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