Chapter Twenty Five

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“Are you fucking crazy?!” Harry Styles literally screamed in Zayn’s face, his hands clinging onto Zayn’s good arm. He couldn’t believe what the fuck had just happened. Harry literally could not get over the fact that Zayn had just lit a fire in his classroom. That could have gone so badly, what if it had gotten out of control? What if it had burnt someone, or worse, Zayn had burnt himself? The classroom was quiet with the sudden lack of pupils, that had now all left to make the most of this as a free. Harry was looking searchingly into those mysterious chocolate pools. Zayn looked over Harry as if it was nothing. That’s what was angering him most. Zayn was so immature; he couldn’t even process how bad that was.

“Sit down on that table right now!” Harry yelled, before storming over to the door and slamming it in front of his English class, causing them to flinch as the door flew shut, making the wall it was attached too shudder slightly. Zayn sighed and rolled his eyes before sitting on a table at the front of the class, still smoking. Harry looked at him gone out.

“Fucking hell, Zayn! I know you’re immature but what the fuck? You nearly lit my fucking classroom on fire, what the hell are you playing at?” Harry demanded angrily, looking at the younger boy, who was sat on the edge of the table. Zayn shrugged as he looked up at the teacher, before bringing the cigarette to his lips and inhaling it’s smoke. Harry watched him, before he snapped. He ripped the cigarette from Zayn’s mouth and marched over to the window, opening it with force, before taking in a rough and shaky breath of it himself, before throwing it out of his window.

“Don’t sit there and fucking shrug, I know why you’re doing this!” Harry yelled again, storming back over to Zayn. Harry’s footsteps were so heavy and aggressive that the sound was echoing around the room. Zayn scowled up at him.

“So you’re not as stupid as I thought.” Zayn scoffed, looking away from Harry. Harry threw his arms around in outrage.

“You think I’m the stupid one? You just turned my classroom into the fucking 4th of July!” Harry screamed again angrily.

“It was a tiny fucking flame.” Zayn spat back, folding his arms across his chest, but forgetting about his cast and wincing slightly from pain. Harry suddenly pointed to his arm.

“That’s another reason why you’re being stupid, you are obviously in trouble but you won’t accept anyone’s fucking help,” Harry started, before Zayn pushed himself up from the table.

“I don’t need anyone’s fucking help!” Zayn exploded, forcing his body to stand right next to Harry’s, their faces both inches away from each other.

“You just lit a fucking fire in my classroom, I think you need help sorting out your psycho attention seeking problems.” Harry spat back, as both boys squared each other off, like male lions about to fight. Zayn bit onto his lip as he looked over Harry.

“If I didn’t have this fucking painful arm and cast then I would fucking kill you, you do not understand how much I want to hit you right now, I fucking hate you, you lying, using, dick!” Zayn spat out angrily, using his good arm to push Harry away from him and into the wall, but Harry’s hands quickly shot up and grabbed his shoulders.

“You think you’re so perfect, you think you’re the good one, the pretty, perfect little English teacher, you’re an absolute arsehole, Harry! Urgh, I don’t even want to call you Harry anymore, I don’t want to hear you or see you,” Zayn started, before Harry quickly bursted in.

“Oh God, would you stop bringing so much fucking pity on yourself? You’re the one that’s been pushing me away this whole time, yet you turn around and light fucking fires when I’m not looking to get my attention!” Harry bursted out, and suddenly, this wasn’t an argument about how Zayn lit a fire.

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