Chapter Forty Six

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“Dad…Dad it’s only three in the afternoon!” Zayn hissed, as he saw how his Father was sat in the armchair of the sofa, watching the football on the television, the coffee table filled with too many empty beer bottles. His Father grumbled slightly, as he sat with his head tilted to one side, his eyelids closed as he fell into a drunken slumber.

“Fuck off, kid.” His Father scoffed, wafting his hand around slightly, before a snore fell from his mouth, and Zayn could smell the alcohol that followed the snore out. Zayn looked at his drunk, sleeping Father with a straight face. His sister’s were only just upstairs, and yet he chose to behave like this? It disgusted Zayn.

“You fucking disgust me…you hear me? Disgust me!” Zayn whispered, even though he didn’t really want his Father to hear. If his Father heard then he would be in the firing line, as always.

Zayn’s day seemed to be going from bad to worse. His Mother was having one of her turns. As Zayn suspected she would, he thought to himself. She’d been in bed for the past two days, and it felt like Zayn was waiting hand and foot on her. Well, he had too, no one else could, and she was too weak to get out of bed. His sister’s were having one of those days where they wouldn’t stop squabbling and arguing. He couldn’t have them shouting while his Mother was doing whatever the hell she was doing and while their easily angered Father was drunk and irritable downstairs. Zayn figured it would be best to get them out of the house, he’d spent so much time with Harry recently that he felt that he hadn’t really spent much time with his sisters, so spending time with them was definitely the new prerogative for today. Maybe he could take them to the park?

As he pondered, he went into the kitchen and grabbed a plastic bag, before he went back into the living room and quickly and quietly removed all of the empty beer bottles and cans from the coffee table, leaving one that still had some drink in it. The last time he had tried binning some of his Father’s drink he had received a hell of a verbal – and physical – beating, and he wasn’t going to make that mistake. The way Zayn thought about it, was that the more that his Father drunk, the more his liver would rot, and the sooner he’d die. It was an extremely negative thought, especially when aimed towards one’s Father, but Zayn had left any emotional attachment for his Father years ago. He got rid of the bags of empty bottles, before he went upstairs to his sister’s room.

He went to the door and knocked on it gently, before opening it. Both girls were sat at opposite ends of the room, scowling at each other. Zayn rolled his eyes and sighed when they both saw him and went rushing towards him, both of their voices loud and high pitched as they tried to persuade him to back each of their arguments against the other.

“Girls, would you bloody shut up already? We’re going to go out, hopefully the fresh air will stop you both from bickering, Safaa get changed out from your pyjamas, have you even washed today?” Zayn asked, his brotherly tone taking over his voice, as he started to direct the girls into what they needed to do. He got them both dressed and ready, as well as pulling on a pair of shoes and a jacket himself.

“Where are we going Zayn? Is it the park?” Safaa asked, while Waliyha watched him curiously.

“Yeah, then probably the sweet shop? How’s that, girls?” He asked them both, as they sat on his bed while he gelled and spiked up his hair, looking in the tiny mirror on his bedroom wall. They both cheered excitedly, and then they started to get along as they both excitedly chatted about what they were going to get up too, what they were going on first, and Zayn couldn’t help but smirk as Safaa burst into song once again. Once he had made sure that his hair was perfect, he pulled a varsity jacket on over the yellow plaid shirt that he was wearing, and gently fitted a snapback on top of his head, making sure that it wouldn’t affect his hair.

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